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Full Body FREAK Strength Workout, Part II

Let’s finish off the Full Body FREAK Strength Workout with some bodyweight circuit training using chains, shall we? Check it out below: Three Rounds of chins, dips and squats. I used 20 lb chains and increased by one chain each

Full Body Strength Workout, Part I – Sandbags, Anvil, Thick Grip / Globe Dumbbell Training

I cranked the tunes. It was one of those days where I needed to break the “rules of strength & conditioning”. I had to get away from the science and everything being so perfectly organized. Why? Because in competition and

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

I woke up earlier than normal today. It was tempting to stay in bed, shut off my alarm and just wait until my kids jumped on my bed to wake me up. The temptation lasted all but a few seconds.

How to Kick Ass in Life AND a Warehouse Gym

There are those who “Get it” and those who simply don’t “Get it”. Some struggle with how to train athletes, having no system of their own, no time in the trenches and too much time on their ass sitting in

The Art of Brute Strength & Packin’ on Muscle

Is there truly an ART or a Science to getting strong as hell? Hmmmmm…… Ask Louie Simmons and he will say yes, Jim Wendler will also drop his genius with his 5/3/1 program, allowing him to keep getting stronger….and STRONGER.

Evolution of Zach Even – Esh: From 110 lbs to 220 lbs

Since beginning training 21 years ago I have gone from somewhere around 110 lbs to 220 and at times I’ve hovered around 228 lbs. My best weight is somewhere in the 204-208 lb range. Back when I started, I was

How to Get Built Like a Brick Sh*t House

Once in a blue moon you come across an athlete or a gym rat who, as some of us may have said in the 80s and 90s, is “Built like a Brick Sh-t House”. In my countless years of getting

Upper Body Workout for Breakfast

On most Sunday Mornings I wake up before the entire house starts moving. I get dressed, brush teeth and head to The Underground. Sunday morning workouts keep me ahead of the pack, keep my edge and allow me to train

Underground Strength Coach Cert Inspiration WINNERS!

Holy S**t! The Underground Strength Coach Inspiration Contest BLEW ME AWAY! And by reading ALL the comments, I can see YOU were also inspired! I am beyond amazed and inspired by the videos that were made. I compiled the votes

Underground Strength Inspiration Contest

Approximately 4 & 1/2 years ago I started Underground Strength Coach. It was a small collection of articles and videos that all began by filming the workouts I did in garages, back yards and playgrounds with my athletes. Today, we

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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