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Intermittent Fasting – Good Or Bad?

Lots of confusion happening from a video I posted on the blog maybe a week or 2 ago Did Intermittent Fasting wreck my metabolism?

How I Started Underground Strength Coach, My Athlete Training Tips & Why I Am NO Longer Underground

In this google hang out I did with Josh Hewett, I answered a ton of awesome questions:

STRONG Life Ep. 3: Mark “Smelly” Bell on Mental Toughness & Kicking Ass In Life AND Lifting

In this MOST Epic episode of The STRONGCast Podcast, I interview my homie and brotha from anotha motha, Mark “Smelly” Bell. Normally, we skype these interviews but Smelly is very high maintenance and insisted we do this while he drives

STRONGCast Episode 2: Brian MacKenzie, CrossFit Endurance & Early CrossFit Days

In this episode of STRONGCast Podcast, I interview my homeboy, BMack of CrossFit Endurance, aka Brian MacKenzie. A world-renowned strength and conditioning coach, author of Power Speed Endurance, A Skill Based approach to Endurance Training, and the innovator of the

How To Blend Strength, Muscle Building & Mental Toughness Workouts Together

Many make the mistake thinking that to train for strength you must do so exclusively. Or if trying to build muscle, you must focus on the time under tension principle. But, to make gains in strength…. To pack on muscle….

Cary Kolat Gives 9 Awesome Tips On WHY The Stronger Minded Person Wins

After watching Cary Kolat present yesterday, one of the best wrestlers in the world, he finished his technique session with the following points that seriously fired me up and they’re gonna do the same for you. This is a MUST

Welcome To America!

Welcome to America. During recess, there is NO running allowed. Someone might get hurt. Do NOT play tag games. Keep your hands to yourself. If you play dodge ball you’re going to the office. Did you just keep score? How

How The Underground Inner Circle Helped Me Complete The GORUCK Challenge

After successfully completing a few Tough Mudder events my training partner and I wanted a new challenge to train for. Not sure how it happened but we came across the GORUCK events and shortly after, it was decided that we

STRONG Life Cast PodCast Episode 1: Martin Rooney, Training for Warriors & Training for Life

Training for Warriors used to be about training fighters. But, as The TFW system evolved, as did Martin Rooney, Training for Warriors became about much more than training fighters…. MUCH More. Training for Warriors became more about training for life

Not Enough People Doing This 1 Thing

I walked into the OLD wrestling room and the energy literally consumed me. But…. No one was wrestling. There were a few wrestlers getting ready for me to put them through a training session, but no one was on the

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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