Old School Strength

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Minimalist Training Tips for Full Body Strength

The more I utilize simple dumbbell & bodyweight workouts for myself, the more I realize less is more. Less variety and more focus = greater results in strength and size. I’ve been around too long and I want to challenge

Strength Coach Passion & Intensity

As a Strength Coach you MUST have a commitment to your students / athletes. Your commitment to helping others succeed will lead to your commitment to seeking greater knowledge. You will always want to better yourself. Bettering yourself leads to

Austin Powers

I arrived in Austin last Friday after an early 6 am flight (which means I was up at 3 AM & on the road for 3:30 AM). This was my 3rd time in the ATX, and, thinking it would be

The Power Behind Push Ups

I always tell my athletes, “Eat your push ups & pull ups for breakfast!” You MUST be GREAT at these 2 exercises, they are the foundation for upper body strength and power and work wonders for muscle building. I recently

Renegade Diet QnA

Undergrounders…. I cranked a QnA with Jason Ferruggia regarding The Renegade Diet. Check it out and enjoy…. 1) When did you start skipping breakfast and what, if any obstacles, did you have to get comfortable with (both physical and mental

My Experience With The Renegade Diet

I never try to fake it through the fact that nutrition is my strong point. I can lock down the basics but when it comes down to REALLY dialing it in, I go to experts. I’m not so arrogant to

Olympic Weightlifting Help

Team Underground – I would LOVE any weightlifting training tips you can drop below pertaining to my technique on this olympic lift in the video below. HUGE thanks in advance, I am learning some NEW stuff and LOVING it. It’s

Another Day At The Underground Office

Sometimes I get to train at home, other times I get to train before my athletes roll in, other times I get to train at the end of the night AFTER a long day of working. NO excuses, get it

Cross Training for ALL Athletes

With our upcoming seminar, ‘Training for GOLD!’ (Details HERE), Jason C. Brown and I will be covering a myriad of a training methods, principles, tools and program design methods. Before I get into the details and reveal these 3 videos

The #TRUTH About OverTraining

[youtube width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orQm6wyXK8E[/youtube] Interesting thoughts from my homeboy, Mark “Smelly” Bell. What are your thoughts on over training? Drop a comment and let us know. Live The Code –Z– PS: HUGE thanks and HUGE congrats to all who completed Their

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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