Underground Strength Challenge

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There’s ALWAYS Someone Better, Tougher & Stronger

Underground Strength Challenge: 4/23/2012 In life, sport, business…. you name it, there is ALWAYS someone better than you. There is always someone doing the little extras to get ahead of you. That someone might be your competition in life, sport

Running For Mental Toughness

Yesterday, I saw this video and it REALLY motivated me to RUN. You see, in high school, back when I weighed 160 or 170 lbs or less, I ran on the regular. In season wrestling runs were 4 – 5

Iron Roots Podcast Ep. 1 | 5 X 5 Strength Training + The Power of Push Ups

Here’s your Underground Strength Challenge for this month along with Iron Roots Podcast episode 1 where I dive into the History behind the 5 x 5 strength training program! It’s ALL about the basics in this one, post your comments,

Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises

Here’s a list of the Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises that you simply can’t go wrong with (minus if you have any injuries, physical limitations, excuses, etc) if you wanna get jacked AND strong. Check em’ out and decide how

Intermittent Fasting & Mental Toughness Workout

Last night was a rough workout for me…. as many of you know if you’ve been here for a while, my workouts don’t focus on solely the physical development of strength aspect but largely on the mental toughness aspect and

Old School Strength

We always hear about “old school strength” but what is it, really? Well, one thing’s for sure, we don’t see a whole lotta dumbbell training going on nowadays. Back in the day, “old school strength” books and magazines show athletes

10 Rounds of Strength & Power

Here’s your Underground Strength Workout for Monday….. or, if you’re gonna sneak in a workout today, this one can get done pretty fast, so crank it out before family festivities begin. [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKe6MHN-OPY[/youtube] Add weight as the sets go

The Power Behind Push Ups

I always tell my athletes, “Eat your push ups & pull ups for breakfast!” You MUST be GREAT at these 2 exercises, they are the foundation for upper body strength and power and work wonders for muscle building. I recently

3 Rules For Short, Effective Workouts

Workouts don’t have to be long to be effective. Trust me, I KNOW. I used to spend 90 – 120 minutes in the gym each and every workout. Back in high school, it wasn’t odd for me to be there

Warrior Workout VS Mr. Resistance

Let me leave you with these 2 videos today…. especially with the new year upon us and all those Bull Shit “resolutions”. Here’s THE TRUTH: You want something? Why wait for January 1st?!?! F**K that, DO it NOW. Overcoming Resistance

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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