This blog post will evolve as I evolve but for now, I am standing my ground on something I have picked up on tremendously over the past few years. I’ve learned this when it comes to understanding why some athletes
Last Thursday after shoulder surgery I was starting to act like an a–hole. My arm was completely shut down and numb from the anesthesia nerve block and The Doc told me I would not have the ability to move my
I probably hated my Coaches at the time…. Called them names…. Got angry with them…. That was high school. Today, all I do is say “Thank you” for how hard they pushed me. They broke me down and built me
In a world where blaming others and lack of responsibility is running rampant, I want to turn the page for a moment. I am asked often about “sports specific training” and running 2 gyms and listening to parents and athletes
Above, Thanksgiving Morning at The Edison, NJ Underground Strength Gym. No Apologies for Having High Expectations for These Athletes In Sports AND In Life. _________ Success is NOT an accident. The encouragement to “outwork the competition” is no longer OK.
I’m always amazed at how people will avoid the work and endure the pain that comes from losing…. Losing in sports…. Losing in a business they own…. Losing at good health…. I’ve known business owners with their business about go
I was on the phone with my buddy, AJ Roberts, a former world record holder in Powerlifting while he was a member at Westside Barbell, aka The Strongest Gym in the World. We were talking training, life, business, the usual…..
Pic above is with my Grandfather & I, 1976, when we first moved to America. Statue of Liberty in the back. I was 1 year old. _______________ The day has come way TOO fast. Today I am 40 years young
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