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Random Thoughts November 2020

Sometimes I write for no other reason than to write for myself. That’s right, just for me. It’s a great way to cleanse the mind and get something out of your head and onto paper or in this case, on

247: Kurt Hester: Strength & Conditioning “Madman”

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 247 with Kurt Hester. WOW, what an awesome episode with Kurt who is in his late 50s (I always say he looks like he’s 32) and crushing it as a Coach. I have a TON of

246 | Matt Nichol & Learning from Legends in Strength & Conditioning

WOW! What a BEAST of a podcast with Strength Coach, Matt Nichol. This is STRONG Life Podcast ep. 246. I first heard of Matt around 2004 when I was attending the first ever pilot certification for The IYCA which was

Training In Your 40s, Bulgarian Power Burst, Bench Press + Deadlift Tips

With my hectic schedule I am going through some short training sessions, around 15-20 minutes a clip. Sometimes I get 2 mini sessions a day and instead of complaining, I simply get it done. Announcing how tired or busy I

STRONG Life Insider Ep. 46: Fighting to EARN Your Success

There’s a of of talk out there regarding success and how it should NOT be a grind, that it should be easy. When the truth is, it IS hard. There’s no 2 ways about it. Whether it’s athletics, academics, career,

245 | Josh Rondeau on Old School Strength & Lifters of the Golden Era

Photo Cred: STRONG Life Podcast ep. 245 with Josh Rondeau. What a GREAT time this was hamming it up talking about old school strength with Josh. We bounce around a bit, of course, but you’ll be inspired and educated

244 | Anders Varner of Barbell Shrugged | How the Barbell Transforms Lives

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 244 with Anders Varner of Barbell Shrugged! BOOM! What a GREAT convo about how the barbell can change your life and the lives of everyone else. This is a BIG time inspiring convo and you’re gonna

9 Short on Time Workouts for When You’re Busy & Tired

If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you have likely gone through some hectic times where you said to yourself, “I just don’t have the time to train…..” Maybe you were a first time parent, you said the same thing.

Texas Strength & Conditioning Interviews Zach on The Team Behind the Team

GREAT times chatting with veteran Strength Coach Donnie Maib (Assistant Athletics Director for Athletic Performance) and Michael Hanson, Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach at Texas. Well renowned coach, Zach Even-Esh, joins Donnie Maib and Mike Hanson to dive into Zach’s

My 6 Strength & Health Mistakes You Should Avoid

It’s the weekend and that means lots of sports with the kids and STILL, early mornings for me to get things done. Sunday mornings are always for answering questions for my Strength Coach Mentorship group, The STRONG Life Brotherhood. ​

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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