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Do You Even Train HARD, Bro!?!?

Do you even sweat, bro? I will train HARD with anything. I don’t care if it’s at my gym, a globo gym or a hotel gym. Last Friday I was speaking at Ryan Lee’s Freedym Event. I was pretty tired

F–K Mediocrity & The Tough Kids From The U

      Quite often I feel like a man all alone on a stranded island. Where the hell are all the dedicated, hard charging SOBs I ask myself? Still, I get e mails and messages on the daily asking

What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing!?

Don’t be shocked when you read this. We’re ALL human. There is weakness in ALL of us. In my mind, weakness is evil, so it pisses me off and inspires me into action. It’s 8:15 PM on a Monday night.

You Are EXACTLY Where You Want To Be

I came across quotes saying “You are exactly where you are meant to be” and to an extent, I believe this, but not fully. I believe it is more about You are exactly where you WANT to be. If you

Learn to Make The Rep Or DIE

I don’t recall where I read or heard about the story, but, I feel like it was from Marty Gallagher. The crew is getting psyched up, climbing higher and higher on their squats. 500 lbs. 600. 700. 800 + lbs.

STRONG Life Ep 61: The STRONGEST QnA of ALL Time

In episode 61 of The STRONG Life Podcast I answer EVERY question that came through my Instagram post when I said I’d crush a podcast for you! Here are just some of the questions I answered: – How to train

NO Time To Train = NO Such Thing

We’ve all heard the saying, “I’ve got no time…..” We all know, there is truly no such excuse. We make time for what’s important and make excuses for what is not. There are many days I find myself in a

Hotel Gyms, Prison Strength Equipment & Inspiration

I heard the stories of this gym. Supposedly, it was quite the sight to see. At least that’s what everyone was saying, so naturally, I HAD to see if there was A Gym God inside a hotel. It was Saturday

I Changed My Mind: REAL World Strength AND Bodybuilding

It must have been 6 years ago or so, I remember the moment quite clearly. We were outside The Underground Strength Gym, the athletes were hitting their finishers and training like farm boys. Back and forth they went pushing and

Time, Respect & Warrior Wisdom

In life, you need to get to a point where you stand up for yourself. Remember the famous words: “Stand for something or Fall for anything….” If you don’t stand up for yourself and what you believe in, then people

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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