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Program Design: Blending Science with Hell

Throughout my years of training athletes and the decades of my own training, I always loved how the right training built a tough mind AND a tough body. I have seen plenty of athletes built like they were sculpted from

STRONGCast 20: Matt Wichlinski, Wrestling Workouts, Art of Coaching, Success & Bodybuilding

In this episode of The STRONG Life podcast I interview Matt Wichlinski, the director of performance at The WWE Developmental training center in Florida. +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ Matt attended one of the earliest Underground Strength Coach Certifications and has always been

Spartan Life 101: The Human Food Chain, Survival of The Fittest, Life & Business Success

These videos are going to make you think about what it REALLY takes to succeed in life. – Is there a “Human Food Chain”? – Does survival of the fittest still exist? – How to NOT allow society to shape

Joe DeSena, Where To Get Knowledge & Building The 1 Mile Stone Staircase

I wanted to share and break down some of the most powerful times we experienced with Joe DeSena while filming and podcasting to give insight into Joe’s Spartan Lifestyle, the businesses he has built and why he decided to write

STRONG Life Ep 19: Marty Gallagher Pulls NO Punches On STRENGTH

In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast, I interview Marty Gallagher, author of The Purposeful Primitive and trainer to Tier 1 Spec Ops Military Units in the states and overseas. ======================= If you haven’t done so yet, can you

Spartan UP & Underground Strength Coach Certification Partner Up!

Special Opportunity with Spartan UP The Book and The Underground Strength Coach Certification Watch the Video Below Opportunity Expires June 1st, 2014

Behind The Scenes with Joe DeSena, Barbell Shrugged & The SPARTAN Lifestyle

You’ve asked what happened “behind the scenes” when me and my homies from Barbell Shrugged hung out with Joe DeSena for the day. Check out this podcast and the AWESOME behind the scenes footage of our day in the life

STRONGCast 18: The Spartan Experience w/Joe DeSena & Spartan Lifestyle

WOW. Wake up at 3:30 AM. Get your ass kicked before the sun rises starting at 5 AM. Eat some AWESOME, Natural food all day long. Work, Play, Work, Eat. What else happened during my 24 hrs up in Pittsfield,

Brandon Lilly, The Warrior Mindset & Prison Style Workouts

After last weekends Juggernaut Strength seminar at The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan, Brandon Lilly and I met in person for the first time. Although we’d been exchanging text messages, etc for about 2 years now, it was great to

Gladiator Story: HARD WORK Is The Best Feeling I’ve Had In My Entire Life

I had a conversation with a buddy of mine who coaches in the pros. I saw a video of a “Coach” who was shown training some of the BEST pro football players in the NFL. And guess what? They were

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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