The year was 1993. I was 17 years old and had to wrestle off for the opportunity to wrestle in the districts my senior year. I clearly remember that quickly into the match I had a feeling of rapid fatigue
It’s good to get away from your same ol’ environment more often than you think you should.Kinda like Arnold’s early days when he and a training partner would haul 250 lbs and a barbell to the woods, perform 50 sets
I was scared to go to this one gym. I felt I had to earn my way into training there. I wanted to be at least somewhat respected when I got there. The bodybuilders from that gym were winning all
Above, Golden Era Bodybuilder & BadAss, Chuck Sipes, Hiking During His Regular 4 Week Mountain Treks While Working For The California Youth Authority. I recently received an e mail regarding something that hits home to me, BIG time. This question
I’ve learned a TON about myself, the TRUE meaning of TEAM, quitting, being mentally tough and succeeding in life and business during the past year than I have in a lifetime. It’s been an amazing evolution as I learn more
Back in the day when my garage, backyard & playgrounds were OUR training grounds……. [youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube] One of my most popular training courses sparked a TON of controversy when it was released. I remember like yesterday, people e mailing
I recall the moment as if it just happened 5 minutes ago. I was in my mid 20s and full force in my bodybuilding days….. I was at the mall, shopping with my girlfriend at the time, now my wife.
Above, Dr. Ken Leistner working on his garage gym, a place known for EPIC workouts, rain or shine, brutal temps, Summer or Winter were irrelevant. It was REALLY tempting to find a way to make my Underground Home Gym a
Last week, during the holidays I was in Disney with the family. Since we drove, I had LOTS of FREE time to catch up on stuff I rarely get to do…. watch TV. So I kicked back and found some
Let me leave you with these 2 videos today…. especially with the new year upon us and all those Bull Shit “resolutions”. Here’s THE TRUTH: You want something? Why wait for January 1st?!?! F**K that, DO it NOW. Overcoming Resistance
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