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The Coach’s Eye, Squats & Being AWESOME (At a “Old School” Gym)

Let me take you on a trip through my “coaching brain”. You see, I’ve been training with weights since 1989. in 1988, I began my obsession with push ups. In 1995 I began coaching at a hospital fitness center. I’ve

Iron Roots Podcast Ep. 7 | The History Behind The Box Squat

In this episode of The Iron Roots Podcast, I get into the History behind the box squat. I also share how we use the box squat at The Underground Strength Gym along with proper application of the box squat. I

Iron Roots Ep. 6 | Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding

Here we go! Iron Roots Podcast ep. 6. This episode is about 1 of my favorite AND most recommended books, Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. It was the mid 80s and I wasn’t even a teenager yet, I was 11

Iron Roots Podcast Ep. 5 | Strength & Health Magazine

Here we GO! Iron Roots Podcast Episode 5. This is THE magazine that I WISH I had when I began training. For me, it was Muscle & Fitness ad FLEX Magazine. These magazines were all about training for asthetics and

196 | Zach Goes on The Barbell Logic Podcast

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 196 with the crew from The Barbell Logic Podcast. I had a blast chatting it up with Scott & Matt as we chatted about life and lifting. Matt Reynolds has been on The STRONG Life Podcast

UNSTOPPABLE Mindset: In The Gym & In Life

It’s awesome to see how strength training has exploded, very much thanks to the internet. On the flip side, I still struggle with being the most fired up guy in the room. At age 43, I should NOT have more

Training for When the SHTF: Building Athleticism vs Building Toughness?

STRONG Life Insider Training for When The SHTF: Building Athleticism VS Building Toughness? The Correct answer is you must do BOTH. If you’re reading this article you’re likely not that guy who just reads about it and never actually gets

Grit, Toughness, Work Ethic & STRENGTH

Here we go with The STRONG Life Insider. I am fired up and psyched to share some hard hitting truth bombs. To keep up with ALL content with my STRONG Life Insider, it’s FREE, go HERE. “The Soft American” is

195 | The Art of Building Strength, Confidence & Success

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 195 – The Art of Building Strength, Confidence & Success. They ALL go hand in hand; Strength, Confidence, Success. The key is taking your strength from the gym, from the weight room and applying it to

194 | Strength Training During Life Stress

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 194. What is the best way to train during those high stress, super busy times in life? I’ve been there done that and sometimes, those days return. You have the “normal option”, just give up &

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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