Give me nothing but a Barbell and I will Build a BadAss. Do you have the discipline, drive and dedication to train with nothing but a barbell? If you do, then we can make it happen. But the truth is
— Strength Today VS Strength of Yesterday — When I was a teenager, strength was measured in numbers. Numbers on the bar. That’s all. Then, when I reached my 20s, I began viewing strength differently. I attached strength to more
In Episode 63 of The STRONG Life Podcast I dig into the problems with waiting for “that perfect opportunity” or “the perfect time”. There is NO such thing as perfect. Everything we do is flawed in some shape or form.
I’m coming off a high after last weekend’s USC Cert + Travis Mash’s Learn 2 Lift Seminar. We blend our 2 methods together because it all blends perfectly. It’s a combination of our almost 60 years of combined training knowledge.
Let’s KILL some confusion here. If you love variety in your training, go for it and DO it. If you love just attacking the basics, go for it and DO it. Let me Explain ….. Your results in training come
Don’t be shocked when you read this. We’re ALL human. There is weakness in ALL of us. In my mind, weakness is evil, so it pisses me off and inspires me into action. It’s 8:15 PM on a Monday night.
Too many Coaches have gotten entirely too nice with athletes and their training. Or, they refuse to learn and refuse to change, in turn doing dangerous and stupid training that either doesn’t work and / or injures athletes. “This is
I don’t recall where I read or heard about the story, but, I feel like it was from Marty Gallagher. The crew is getting psyched up, climbing higher and higher on their squats. 500 lbs. 600. 700. 800 + lbs.
In episode 61 of The STRONG Life Podcast I answer EVERY question that came through my Instagram post when I said I’d crush a podcast for you! Here are just some of the questions I answered: – How to train
We’ve all heard the saying, “I’ve got no time…..” We all know, there is truly no such excuse. We make time for what’s important and make excuses for what is not. There are many days I find myself in a
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