The DE Evolution of Man is going in a bad direction, and that’s putting things lightly. Worst of all, it’s moving TOO fast in that downward slope. We gotta step up and change things and it starts with YOU. There
Above, John Grimek in 1937. The Basics Never Let John Down Monday was a crazy day for me in which I kept putting off my workout. One thing led to another and my idea became that of finding a way
I’ve come across some VERY popular training programs online and reviewed them to see if there were any BIG takeaways. I am always on the look out for learning more, it’s the constant pursuit of excellence, living the code…. When
I recently had a Coach who is running Speed Training Camps for athletes ask about incorporating Strength work while out on the field as they have No access to the weight room. This is a GREAT question and I am
Through my own experiences as an athlete and training other athletes, I was taught a powerful lesson that was once (and perhaps still is seen as a fad): Training ONLY with free weights and bodyweight exercises is limiting your potential
Sandbag training has been one of the most powerful methods I’ve implemented with training my athletes. The various sandbag workouts & exercises have developed a type of strength and mental toughness that is unique to say the least. Using sandbags
One of the toughest Olympic Lifting exercises for me to learn (STILL learning, ALWAYS learning!) was the power clean. Some of my problems were common problems for other aspiring Olympic Lifters as well: – My wrists were extremely tight –
Years and years ago Coach Reeve told me how he would train his Football players while also playing videos on TVs of The IronMind Olympic Lifting Training Halls. I snatched up those highlight DVDs immediately and the footage blew me
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] Now you’ve got a little insight into how I program workouts at The Underground Strength Gym, as well as how you can tweak these workouts if you utilize CrossFit as your training protocol, here are 4 critical
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] Take your training outdoors. Find an empty school parking lot when school is closed or go behind a strip plaza for some wide open space with no foot or car traffic. Use 1 or 2 Kettlebells for
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