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Arnold’s New Book & Underground Strength E Book Give Away

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaS90MgCpmE[/youtube] I’ve mentioned often how powerful and critical it is for you constantly be reading books that inspire, educate and motivate you. If you travel a lot, then mix your books up with audio books and physical books,

George Hackenschmidt, The Russian Lion – Wisdom From 1908

In 1908, the book ‘The Way to Live’ was released. I began reading The Way to Live around 2002 and it inspired me beyond words. The simplicity. The power. The effectiveness of brilliance with the basics. I LOVED George Hackenschmidt’s

Grease The Groove (GTG) For Greater Strength [Training for Life]

Grease The Groove is a technique I learned many years ago when reading a book from Pavel, Power To The People. Essentially, you perform an exercise of choice several times a day, several times a week (4 – 7 x

Arnold’s Rules For Success

Arnold was the FIRST mentor I had as a young teen. I was a lost soul who only wanted to become a bodybuilder and all I could think about what working out & being at the gym. Every book I

Marcus Luttrell, Benefiting From Fear & Avoiding Negative People

                This Blog Post is gonna be quite intense. I’m suggesting you commit to this entire post, all the videos, reading every word. I’m going to give you my own, personal experiences &

The TRUTH About Heavy Lifting & Building Muscle

I was scared to go to this one gym. I felt I had to earn my way into training there. I wanted to be at least somewhat respected when I got there. The bodybuilders from that gym were winning all

Elliott Hulse Grow Stronger Interview

Elliott Hulse freaking inspires me, motivates me and educates me! Check it out: The Dude is married, has 4 kids, operates a kick ass warehouse gym, runs a full blown business on the internet while living the code (honesty, integrity,

Tire Flip Instruction – Strongman Training Technique

After our recent Lift STRONG fundraiser, benefiting Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation, I saw how countless athletes had NO clue how to properly flip the tire, especially the heavier, 600 lb tire. Even the guys who were built like brick shit

Are Box Squats Better Than Olympic Style Squats

The past year or so we’ve gotten away from box squats at our gym. Is it the BEST answer? In Strength & Performance, there are BETTER answers but not always “the best” answers. I recall having ONE kid, who could

Lift Strong Prep, Challenges & Life At The Underground Strength Gym

Things are REALLY rolling here at Underground Strength HQ. Summer is a CRAZY time of year for us: – We’ve got our 5th annual LIFT STRONG Fundraiser coming up (You’re invited, to compete OR watch & support us). I am

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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