Holy S**t! In a few short weeks I’ll be 36. Time goes fast. TOO Fast. Here’s some stories and lessons I’ve learned along the way & hopefully you’re not too cool to learn from some of these. Anyway, for no
My buddy, Uncle Alwyn Cosgrove sent me some questions regarding Bodyweight Bodybuilding, check it out below and please enjoy…. 1) Why did you start dedicating yourself to bodyweight training recently? The BIGGEST changes came from recurring pains and injuries that
Yesterday I exchanged text messages with a friend of mine who has been lifting for 20+ years. He was talking about how he can relate to everything I went through as we’ve been both training hard and heavy for well
In a recent interview I was listening to between Mike Robertson and NFL Strength Coach Joe “House” Kenn, Joe was asked an interesting question. He was asked what he would like to see more of AND what he wishes he
Time to lay down the law on those who listen and especially those who are “good enough” and only listen to a select few. Remember, to achieve greater success you must acquire the mindset of “always a white belt”. The
I still remember that guy, even though I met him when I was only 14 years old, a freshman in high school with dreams of being bigger and stronger than everyone else. Back then, the YMCA was ending the era
Here and there I’ve given insight into my workouts but not in detail. Yes, LOTS of videos but I wanted to share some details and if you dig it, maybe I’ll update once a month. By the way, I hope
I hear it ALL the time when it comes to Minimalist Workouts. Dudes are confused…. So let me set the bar STRAIGHT. Short workouts doesn’t mean EASY. Two exercises doesn’t mean EASY. Hard Work is where it’s at. Hard work
There are some men who REALLY have my respect, a very rare few. Jim Wendler is one of those guys, and, every time we chat I am reminded why. We’re both very simple men. We chase strength and train because
Sometimes, time just ain’t on your side. You have two choices when this happens: 1) Skip your workout and come back the next time. More often than not, your excuse will NOT be valid, it will only validate the fact
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