Underground Strength Challenge

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Training to Always Be Ready VS “I Have to Get Ready”

I’ve been harping on a topic I call “Always Be Ready” for many years now. I began hearing the phrase I have to get ready from people who were interested in training at The Underground Strength Gym many years ago.

HARD Nosed Lifting Lessons from 1991

Lessons from 1991 – Make The Rep or Die! I was a high school sophomore and it was a bit after wrestling season. I was training at the local gym where my parents would drop me off and come back

They Said “Slow Down, You’re Working Too Hard.” THEY. ARE. WRONG.

Every morning I rise early. Before the dogs went to get out of their own beds. Before the sun has risen. I get the Coffee going for myself and my wife. I begin writing. My writing comes from my inner

5 SQUAT Variations You Should Be Doing

I’ve been squatting since age 13. I’m 5’10” and according to the fallacy, I should be 5’1″ since squats “stunt your growth.” I’ve done 50 sets of Squats in a day and didn’t get rhabdo or need to go to

STRONG Life Ep. 129 | AN IRON WILL & Why We Must Fight Comfort

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 129 is a short and powerful episode. I dive into an excerpt from the book, An Iron Will and dissect how we can apply this excerpt to our day to day life. I also discuss a

3 Reasons Squats Can Cure The All Too Common Complaining Syndrome

  Does that person REALLY need to complain about ________? The answer? Probably not. What good does complaining REALLY do for anyone? Any time somebody complains to me about something that has NOTHING to do with them and matter of

Do You Ever Feel Like You Don’t Fit In? GOOD!

I feel like I just don’t fit into this world anymore. Do you ever feel like that? I recall that feeling many times as a kid and a teenager. MANY times. When I do feel normal, I am with the

WHO Are YOU? The Man In The Arena vs The Spectator

I’ve been doing some soul searching lately and I will likely do less putting info “out there” such as videos, instagram, etc and more focusing on grounding on myself. My energy gets pulled when I frequently catch myself more dedicated

Running A Part Time Strength Coach Business

From the first week I opened The Underground Strength Gym warehouse gym, I got MORE phone calls from aspiring Strength Coaches than I did from parents of athletes. THAT was scary! I’m out here trying to build savages and I’ve

Mental Toughness Workouts for Peace of Mind

I recall my high school years of training for hours on end. I would get dropped off at the gym and literally live there until the gym would almost close. Endless hours of training seemed “normal” to me. Everyone has

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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