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Iron Sharpens Iron & The Success Illusion

This post is inspired after seeing The Carolina Panthers earning their way to Super Bowl 50! Joe HOUSE Kenn is The Head Strength Coach for The NFL Carolina Panthers & I’ve been lucky to know House since my early days

Training The Multi Sport Athlete

I received an e mail recently from a multi sport athlete who competes in Football and Wrestling. This is a tough stretch as Football begins mid August and rolls straight into Wrestling season which begins on Thanksgiving. Depending on how

When Can A Man STOP Training?

The temp was 29 degrees, Winter had finally set in. I was up that morning at 6 AM, took care of the wife and kids and then drove to The Underground Strength Gym of Manasquan, NJ. I cranked the heat

The Problem With Strength Training Advice On The Internet

Here’s a little news flash that will hurt many people’s feelings: Just because you see it on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s what ALWAYS happens in that person’s training. Just because the guy behind the camera is ripped doesn’t mean he

Why Some Athletes Are NOT Tough!?!?

This blog post will evolve as I evolve but for now, I am standing my ground on something I have picked up on tremendously over the past few years. I’ve learned this when it comes to understanding why some athletes

Developing A TOUGH Mindset for Greater Success In ALL Areas Of Life

Last Thursday after shoulder surgery I was starting to act like an a–hole. My arm was completely shut down and numb from the anesthesia nerve block and The Doc told me I would not have the ability to move my

Why I Chase The Challenge VS Running From Challenges

I probably hated my Coaches at the time…. Called them names…. Got angry with them…. That was high school. Today, all I do is say “Thank you” for how hard they pushed me. They broke me down and built me

QnA: Football Strength & Conditioning

In a world where blaming others and lack of responsibility is running rampant, I want to turn the page for a moment. I am asked often about “sports specific training” and running 2 gyms and listening to parents and athletes

Winning Is MORE Important Than Being Politically Correct

Above, Thanksgiving Morning at The Edison, NJ Underground Strength Gym. No Apologies for Having High Expectations for These Athletes In Sports AND In Life. _________ Success is NOT an accident. The encouragement to “outwork the competition” is no longer OK.

The MOST Important Muscle to ALWAYS Work [Jamie Foxx Life Lesson]

I’m always amazed at how people will avoid the work and endure the pain that comes from losing…. Losing in sports…. Losing in a business they own…. Losing at good health…. I’ve known business owners with their business about go

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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