Tag: strong life podcast

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The Four Pillars of Transformative Fitness by Marty Gallagher

The Four Pillars of Transformative Fitness To succeed, radical physical transformation need be simultaneously multidimensional. Let us do something rarely done in fitness; let us speak philosophically. What are we doing and why are we doing it? Why are we

Ep. 131 | Building STRONGER & TOUGHER Athletes + Strength Coach Career Regrets

STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 131 In this QnA I answer some GREAT questions that center around Building STRONGER & TOUGHER Athletes + my very own Strength Coach Career Regrets. In between these questions I dig into mindset, training to be

QnA: Bodyweight Bodybuilding, Getting Lean & Thoughts On Owning A Gym

Another Powerful QnA from my Instagram. Topics Covered in this episode: Using specialty bars at The Underground Strength Gym & the story behind some of these barbells How do you know if you’re overtraining & how to adjust your training,

QnA: Art of Discipline, Athlete Nutrition, Great Books, Sports Technology & Gut Instincts

I crushed another Instagram QnA that had a wide array of topics. I do these QnA episodes in spurts, when time allows and the mood hits. I love answering your questions and I know that when I was in my

5 SQUAT Variations You Should Be Doing

I’ve been squatting since age 13. I’m 5’10” and according to the fallacy, I should be 5’1″ since squats “stunt your growth.” I’ve done 50 sets of Squats in a day and didn’t get rhabdo or need to go to

QnA: Staying Passionate, Conjugate Method For Wrestlers & Distance Running Workouts

QnA: Staying Passionate, Conjugate Method For Wrestlers & Distance Running Workouts I had a blast crushing this QnA for my Instagram friends. Here’s the questions I answered / topics I cover: Staying Passionate about everything I do Training high school

High School STRONG: Building Hammers Through A Safe & Effective Strength & Performance Program

The High School Athlete of today is MUCH different than the high school athlete of yester-year. When I started training HS athletes in the mid 90s and early 2000s, they showed up capable and ready to go. They were able

Good to GREATNESS | What It Takes for Athletes to Achieve Their OWN Level of Greatness

Last year after a few podcasts together between myself, John Welbourn & Travis Mash, we decided we’re done with the BS information regarding athlete performance. Call it what you want; physical preparation, strength & conditioning, etc. – it doesn’t matter.

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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