Sometimes I catch myself complaining or pulling an ol’ “poor me” conversation in my head and man, it gets me fired UP! The conversation in my head sounds so weak it is pathetic. I realize how weak it is to
I love getting your questions and answering them. This question came in via my Instagram. My goal? To HELP YOU! Whatever it takes, that’s what I want to do. The weight room and getting STRONG is the vehicle to help
In a world filled with entitlement, excuses and complainers, NOW more than ever is the time to spread the word on being STRONGER both in and out of the gym. Every time I hear someone complaining about something trivial, something
Your training program can look the fanciest, have the most precise percentages listed and look awesome on paper, but….. If the program is NOT followed with: Technique Intensity Aggression Passion Then it doesn’t matter how Bulgarian, Russian or whatever your
Kid parks his car in front of the house to deliver pizza. It’s a test. All of it. I watch to see if he’ll take the sidewalk or cut across the front lawn. He cuts across the front lawn. I
It’s not even 2017 and you’re being bombarded with special workout programs and top 17 things to do to achieve your goals in 2017…… bla bla bla Here’s where it all starts: If you’re waiting for the new year to
The Holidays are hectic and can crush your time and energy like nothing else. You THINK you’re going to train and before you know it, you’re in a sea of madness at the mall shopping for a pair of socks
Mondays…… I clearly recall the 2 times in my life I hated Mondays. I would turn into a nasty person by Sunday afternoons as I dreaded the start of my week, doing something that was sucking the passion out of
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