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How to Pack SERIOUS Muscle on Your Upper Body

I’ve got 3 exercises for you below, on video, that if you attack them on a regular basis, you will FORCE your upper body to pack on muscle like never before. I’m pushing these 3 movements HARD lately, and because

To Be the Best, Walk the Talk

Wanna be an Unbeatable Man…or Woman? You MUST have the Eye of The Tiger. In your mind, “Impossible is Nothing” In the last video and Blog Post, I spoke about mind set and winning at everything you do. I spoke

How to Pack on SERIOUS Muscle

Sooooo many people struggle with getting stronger and packing on muscle. To be straight up honest, most of those cry baby – whiners simply train like P**ies. Point Blank 🙂 You gotta get under the bar, push heavy iron and

Brutal Kettlebell Workout

I’ve got a A kick-ass Kettlebell workout for you to test drive, inspired by Herman Goerner, aka Goerner The Mighty. You will also see my close friend, Owner of Urban Athlete in Philly, Pamela MacElree – this girl is bad

Underground Strength Cribs Tour: Kirkland, Washington

Check out the Licensed Underground Strength Gym out in Kirkland, Washington. You heard of MTV Cribs, right? Well, now we got Underground Strength Cribs! BOOYA, SON! Before we roll, check out our other Licensed Underground Strength Gyms: The

NJ Wrestling Training, Eye of The Tiger & Physical Culture

I took a 1 hr drive up north yesterday to train The Blair Academy Wrestling Team, NEVER in my life have I seen an entire room of athletes who: – Focused 110% – Listened AND made eye contact – NEVER

Kettlebell Workout Secrets that Build SERIOUS Strength!

Pay attention below as The Iron Tamer drops some serious nuggets of gold for you! This is Kettlebell training secrets at their finest, bound to get you stronger, add more muscle and skyrocket your conditioning….. I’m about to tear it

Underground Strength Coach Certification Highlights

This was another amazing weekend for me. Seriously, I am flattered, honored and super impressed with the quaility of bruddahs rollin’ up my way to become Underground Strength Coaches. The next weekend Underground Strength Coach Certification is FAST approaching, October

Crazy Workout: Car Pushing and Kettlebell Training

Yo bruddahs, here’s the latest in an Underground Strength Show Episode – a crazy workout you can try for 5- 10 rounds, or for max rounds in 5, 10 or 15 minutes. This will kick your ass and give the

How to Build SERIOUS Strength and Old School Strength Secrets

My bruddah Jim Wendler is a strong mofo, no 2 ways about it. I interviewed him for The Underground Strength System and he unleashed info that will transform any weakling into a Beast – ONLY if they put in the

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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