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Iron in Your Words of Death

What a strange world we live in. I wrote this initially during the early stage of the covid lockdown. But I realized that writing about it, tweeting to a Governor, etc is a waste of time. Change comes when you

234 | John Brookfield on Longevity & Strength Training as we “Get Older”

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 234. GREAT times chatting with John Brookfield, who is known for all of his work on hand / grip strength as well as being the CREATOR of Battle Ropes. This episode was all about training for

Conspiracy Craziness, Upper Body Warm Ups + Specialty Bars for Shoulder Health

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted a new article to the blog, and honestly, I am writing right now because it FEELS good to write. It’s a therapy of sorts, similar to how I feel when training. LOTS going

Sean Waxman: Old School Strength, Training Athletes & The Gym Business

I had a GREAT STRONG Life Chat with my friend, Sean Waxman. Sean grew up in Brooklyn in the early 80s and was surrounded by old school strength from day 1. This is a BONUS STRONG Life Podcast where I

STRONG Life Chat with Gym Owner, Anthony Esposito of BadAss Academy

With all this downtime, I have been crushing the IG Live Chats. Now, honestly…… Who knows how long this can go on for. People get lazy when everything is so readily available to them. Oh, 25 Instagram lives today? I’ll

STRONG Life Ep 233 | Mike Glover, Green Beret on Prepping During COVID-19

STRONG Life Podcast Ep 233 with Mike Glover, former Green Beret & CIA Contractor on Prepping During COVID-19. This episode is very unique with topics I have never discussed before. Mike brings a LOT of heavy duty experience as a

STRONG Life Ep 232: Dustin Myers: Wrestling Strength + The Art of Strength Coaching

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 232 with my man, Dustin “Gut Check” Myers. This is the 2nd time I’ve had Dustin on The STRONG Life Podcast and this time around we pulled the audio and video from my Instagram. The last

STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 229 | Dr. Doug Kechijian on Military Training + Training as We “Get Older”

Photo Cred: STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 229 with my friend and trusted source for all things health & performance, Dr. Doug Kechijian. Dug and I met about 10 years ago (2010 I believe) at the Original Underground Strength Gym

Iron Roots: York Barbell History & Stories with Jan Dellinger

I had such a blast creating The Iron Roots Podcast with my friends at PLAE. 24 episodes ALL on Video as well as Apple Podcasts so you can listen or watch from anywhere. Iron Roots gave me the opportunity to

BONUS: The Strength & Conditioning Business Interviews

Photo Cred: Stark Center With the COVID-19 I’ve been getting interviewed a BOAT Load for other podcasts. I make sure you guys don’t miss a beat so below are all the recent business interviews I have done. When someone reaches

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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