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How to Use Barbell Basics Strength Training For The WIN

It was 1990, The Summer after freshman year and I was finishing up my days traveling to the Metuchen YMCA. At the time, the weight room was down stairs, a small dungeon filled with York Barbell Weights, a York Isometric

The UPenn Crew: NOTHING Worth Having Is Comfortable

Episode 110 of The STRONG Life Podcast is with Jim Steel (Head Strength & Conditioning Coach at UPenn) along with his assistants, Cristi Bartlett and Tracy Zimmer. Check out some of their training videos below (BIG Numbers + BIG Reps)

WHY Life Is GOOD!!

Sometimes I catch myself complaining or pulling an ol’ “poor me” conversation in my head and man, it gets me fired UP! The conversation in my head sounds so weak it is pathetic. I realize how weak it is to

How to OWN The Day: Tips On “Quitting”, Tough Times & Success Mindset

I love getting your questions and answering them. This question came in via my Instagram. My goal? To HELP YOU! Whatever it takes, that’s what I want to do. The weight room and getting STRONG is the vehicle to help

Age Doesn’t Matter: STRONGER, Faster, Tougher STRENGTH Tips

In a world filled with entitlement, excuses and complainers, NOW more than ever is the time to spread the word on being STRONGER both in and out of the gym. Every time I hear someone complaining about something trivial, something

Turning Pro, Regardless of WHO You Are & What You Do

Why do I send e mails every morning? Because only writing e mails when I feel like it is the sign of an amateur. Yesterday while doing a Instagram Live I was asked how and why I am still so

STRONG Life 109: Zach & Jim Steel Talk Iron Memories & LIVING The STRONG Life

What a blast I had in this conversation with Jim Steel who is becoming a regular on The STRONG Life Podcast. 12 Lessons from a Never Ending Podcast with Jim Steel & John Welbourn STRONG Life Ep 99 STRONG Life

Matt Shadeed | Dedicated To Being a GREAT Strength Coach | Arkansas State Football Strength & Conditioning

Here we go! Episode 108 of The STRONG Life Podcast with Arkansas State Football Strength & Conditioning Coach, Matt Shadeed. I posted the above photo of Matt with his family because that is 1 of the first things we discussed

Talking Smart VS BUILDING Agile, Mobile & Hostile Athletes

Your training program can look the fanciest, have the most precise percentages listed and look awesome on paper, but….. If the program is NOT followed with: Technique Intensity Aggression Passion Then it doesn’t matter how Bulgarian, Russian or whatever your

3 Ways WE Can Change The WORLD Through STRENGTH

Kid parks his car in front of the house to deliver pizza. It’s a test. All of it. I watch to see if he’ll take the sidewalk or cut across the front lawn. He cuts across the front lawn. I

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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