After posting some videos to my YouTube yesterday I came across a comment that is all too common. And although YouTube trolls are not the majority of public opinion, the excuse makers and blame artists certainly have a large community.
The Spartan Way. Always Learning, Always Taking Action. A Great Book Can Change Your Life! _________________ If you have been following me for some time, you KNOW I am a BIG believer in reading. I love books because books have
Arnold, Franco & Jusup destroying the gym. When you immerse yourself in an awesome environment with awesome people, you change ALL aspects of your Life! ___________________ STRONG Life ep. 172 is a short and sweet QnA episode. The questions /
Can you build muscle? Can you do it naturally? What about when you “get older”? Your 30s, 40s and 50s? I am not sure why we begin to think it’s all over in our 30s and 40s. I have a
STRONG Life Ep. 171: STRONG Life Podcast QnA: Gym / Strength Coach Business, Life Lessons & Abundance Mindset. Actually, the title of this blog post is kinda lame compared to all the awesome questions (and of course my answers 🙂
In this Bonus episode with Mike Bledsoe, Mike interviews me for his seasonal podcast, The STRONG Coach which is part of The Shrugged Collective. I love being around my man, Mike. He is always seeking to better learn and discover
Do you remember when you were a kid? Of course you do! You’re already saying to yourself, Here he goes again, ranting about “back in the day”. No rant. Just stating facts and a reminder to ALL of us, including
Here we GO! STRONG Life Podcast ep 169 with The strongest bodybuilder in the world, Stan Efferding. This episode is BIG time inspiring. We kick it off talking about bodybuilding, nutrition mistakes, consistency in training and of course, some throwback
Photo Above. Throwback 2008!! _______________ STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 168 with Joe House Kenn. I am fired up to share this episode with my man BIG House, Joe Kenn! I love chatting about training and life with House. He pulls
If you’ve been keeping up with The STRONG Life Podcast then you KNOW I post on the regular, a Bonus called REAL Talk with my buddy, Jonas. We talk life, business and anything else on our mind. In this episode,
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