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Physical Culture & Better Health with Max Shank

Episode 123 of The STRONG Life Podcast is with my friend Max Shank who I connected with 10+ years ago after seeing him on early days YouTube lifting BIG stones & competing in ShootFighting. I’ve been inspired and educated with

Farmer Carries Are Great, But…..

Before I even owned my gym I met up with some guys who were competitive strongmen. I was training out of my garage mostly, here and there going to the local tire yard for some tire flips….. It was Saturday

Getting Stronger: Why The Power Lies In The Imperfections

Every morning I am up and at em’ in a similar fashion. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. I understand this isn’t what “sells” but oh well…… I am always ready to lose the popularity contest so I can stay true to

The “Crowd” Wants Sets & Reps But Coaching MUST Go BEYOND Sets & Reps

Above, The Crew at The Underground Strength Gym (Middlesex, NJ) Whenever I speak at a conference I tend to not speak about the exercise specifics, the sets, the reps….. First off, the majority of the speakers ARE going to speak

5 SIMPLE (NOT Easy!) Wrestling Strength Training Tips

3 days a week I work with the college wrestlers and man, we thrash that weight room! The energy is through the roof and that is an understatement. The culture of what happens with your team is a HUGE key

Lose Yourself To Find Yourself | Jeremy Thiel

STRONG Life Podcast Episode 120 with my friend Jeremy Thiel. I met JT in February of 2010 as we both spoke at The CrossFit Affiliate Gathering. Since then, we’ve done seminars of all types together as well as business products

How to Turn Your Struggles Into STRENGTH | Mike “The Machine” Bruce

STRONG Life Podcast episode 119 with Mike The Machine Bruce. If there has been a podcast that ever made you realize how being STRONG in mind, body & LIFE can help you CHANGE your life, THIS is the episode. Mike

Am I Crazy Or What?

Am I Crazy or is this normal? As a Coach, Strength Coach, Sports Coach, ANY Coach – I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I just SUCKED! You know, just come home and sit on the ol’ couch

Marty Gallagher | Simplifying Strength Training for MAXIMUM Results

Episode 117 of The STRONG Life Podcast with my friend and mentor, Marty Gallagher. Marty is the author of multiple books and 1 of them is my ALL time favorite, The Purposeful Primitive. You can also listen to our first

WHY I Refuse To Bend for Mediocrity, Fads & Gimmicks

STRONG Life Episode 115, QnA from Instagram. This episode unfolds in a unique manner as each and every question keeps bringing me back to WHY we must stand our ground for Excellence. None of this “good enough” BS and figuring

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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