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STRONG Cast 14 + Power Cast: Talkin’ MAN Shyt & Success!

This episode of The STRONG cast was filmed live at Mark Bell’s Super Training Gym in Sacramento, Cali. We REALLY dig deep into what it takes to succeed and kick ass both in AND out of the gym. Prepare to

Life & Lifting Lessons Learned In Cali

This past weekend I had an AWESOME time out west in Cali! I hadn’t been out to Cali for about 12 years or so, back when my older bro lived in San Diego. If you’ve never been to San Diego,

Harness Your Fear To Lift Heavier & Get STRONGER

I ain’t gonna lie. I was nervous and actually kind of scared. It’s been a LONG time since I felt any fear entering a training session. I was at Mark “Smelly” Bell’s Super Training Gym in Sacramento, Ca. I had

The Problem with Perfect Workouts & Weak People

I often wonder how a Strength Coach thinks in his early days of coaching athletes. For me, when I began training athletes, I was viewed as an outcast. Seriously…… Coaches were training on Bosu Balls, using the Functional Trainer cable,

Is DAILY Bodyweight Training Effective & Safe For Muscle & Strength Gains?

This started all the way back in 1989. Every time I passed a pull up bar or anything I could grab on to over head, I banged out pull ups. This became a daily practice. Same for push ups. Push

STRONGCast 13: Travis Mash On Weightlifting, Powerlifting & Family

In this ass kicking episode of The STRONGCast I interview my friend and ass kicker, world record holder and top Weightlifting Coach, Travis Mash. In this episode Travis and I talk about:

Powerful Tips To Increase Your Squat, Bench & Deadlift

After many years and decades battling the iron, I have made plenty of mistakes and found what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to get stronger, packing on muscle mass and the like. I take pride in the

3 Speed Training Fallacies To Avoid

3 Speed Training Fallacies to Avoid By Travis Hansen / Author, The Speed Training Encyclopedia In this article we will explore and identify three of the most common speed training myths on the market today. It’s quite possible to perhaps

STRONGCast # 11: Simple Life, Navy SEAL Stew Smith, SEAL & BUD/S Training

In this episode of The STRONGCast I get to interview a man I’ve looked up to since day 1, former Navy SEAL, Stew Smith. Stew was at the forefront of getting quality information on the web back in the last

How To Strengthen Your Lower Back & “Core”

It was my last year teaching and my stress was at an all time high. I was repeatedly straining my lower back, particularly the QL (Quadratus Lumborum). I was training hard but also living hard. It was taking a toll

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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