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5 Lessons Learned From AJ Roberts & Westside Barbell

I had a blast this weekend at The CrossFit Powerlifting course at my Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan. My man, AJ Roberts crushed it and delivered an excellent weekend packed full of knowledge and insights that he has learned from

How I Started Underground Strength Coach, My Athlete Training Tips & Why I Am NO Longer Underground

In this google hang out I did with Josh Hewett, I answered a ton of awesome questions:

STRONG Life Ep. 3: Mark “Smelly” Bell on Mental Toughness & Kicking Ass In Life AND Lifting

In this MOST Epic episode of The STRONGCast Podcast, I interview my homie and brotha from anotha motha, Mark “Smelly” Bell. Normally, we skype these interviews but Smelly is very high maintenance and insisted we do this while he drives

3 Reason Why You Need A Gut Check Workout

Last weekend I spoke in Md. at the state wrestling coaches association. I was fired up to train and the hotel gym was on the same floor as my room. It was a posh, pretty little studio. But, I turned

The 6 Most Effective Strength & Muscle Building Methods – Pt 2

Let’s crush part II of our Most Effective Strength & Muscle Building Methods. Make sure you go back and review Part 1 Here, and better yet, print them out and put both of these articles in a 3 ring binder.

The 6 Most Effective Strength & Muscle Building Methods

I’ve been doing a LOT of thinking about the various ways I have trained since starting back in 1989, well over 25 years of experience. I thought about the methods that wasted my time and didn’t produce anything but all


My thoughts on what I’ve learned from Brandon Lilly’s 365 STRONG. It hit home for me BIG time on multiple levels. I explain it all in this video below.

How Many Workouts Per Week Is Best For Size AND Strength Gains

The famous question of how many workouts is best for building muscle, gaining strength and straight up getting jacked is a common question. The answer will vary according to your lifestyle, work and your age / training experience. I’ve trained

Why Aren’t You Squatting?

If you wanna get jacked, then start squatting. A LOT. Squat 3 x week. Ass to Grass. – Squats will expose your weak areas. – Squats will tell you if you ARE weak or not. – Squats will tell you

How Heavy Lifting Teaches You Success

Lifting heavy is far, far more than a means to an end of getting you stronger for bigger muscles or to achieve more success in life. The guys I met 10-12 years ago told me I wouldn’t be able to

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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