Old School Strength

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How to Squat: DEEP Squats and Dinosaurs – Are BOTH Extinct?

Walk into a typical high school weight room and you’ll see a 1 rep max test on the squat every month. Typically, you’ll see kids hitting 315 to 495 on the squat. Kids that weigh 185 lbs are doing this,

Bodyweight Bodybuilding BEAST Workouts

Bodyweight training is in my blood, just like lifting heavy objects is in my blood. Ironically, MANY think the two don’t go hand in hand, they believe it’s ONE or the other. Not true, my friends, I live for BOTH

Liftin’ Heavy S**T & Chuck Vogelpohl, The Legend

In these Videos you will find what I describe as the GREATEST Seminar nobody ever knew about! Actually, MANY people knew about this seminar but we could BARELY GIVE the seminar away! The seminar was taught by Mark Smelly Bell

Thoughts On Squats, Jumps, Aggressive Learning & WINNING

My workouts have been going VERY good lately and after this past weekend’s seminar at my gym with Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick, I have a gained a MUCH greater amount of knowledge AND respect for powerlifting and straight up

Lessons Learned from Golden Era Bodybuilding BEASTS

Robby Robinson is what I call a Renegade Underground Bodybuilder. His favorite upper body workouts were endless supersets of the bench press and pull ups / chins ups. His favorite lower body workouts were endless supersets of front squats and

Convict Conditioning Interview with Coach Paul Wade

The Edmonton SUN newspaper interviewed Coach Paul Wade, Author of The Convict Conditioning Workout. Check out the interview below to hear how and why Paul Wade became so obsessed with bodyweight training and transformed his mind and body in one

5 Reasons You Need to Jack Up Your Guns

Don’t think you need to train your arms? Guess again. Many “EXPERTS” state the arms are worked adequately from upper body compound lifts. And before we get into the physical aspect of training arms, think about this: – Athletes CARE

Power-Bodybuilding Workouts

Above, Roger Estep – 1 of the Pioneers of The Power – Bodybuilding Method ___________________ After laying low on training the past month, going minimalist style with low volume & frequency plus chowing down on lots of food lately, I’m

Return of The Golden Era Bodybuilding Workout

Golden Era bodybuilding is a far cry from many of the bodybuilding methods of today. Today we see circus tricks and pump up weights. The lack of strength focused work is why the bodybuilders of The Golden Era had that

Mobility, Prehab and Rehab – Exposing Your Weakness

Last weekend I had an AMAZING time chillin’ AND learning from my homeboy, K Star. I attended his Mobility Cert and it was THE MOST practical seminar I have ever been to. The amount of understanding and conceptual knowledge you

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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