I gotta address something ASAP, this is becoming a BIGGER and BIGGER problem. I’m sure this will anger many and then we’ll have a few that can argue against this but it’s time to unleash some TRUTH. It’s starting to
MANY years ago (2005 or 2006) I took a trip to the prison where the movie Lock Up was filmed with Sly Stallone. I wanted to learn how the inmates trained. In a nut shell, I was hungry to learn
Remember that OLD school tune with Rage Against the Machine, “Know the Enemy”? Yep, Yep… well, with training, it’s the same difference. After training for 22 years I am still learning more and more about my body, sometimes, ya gotta
MANY people loved my article on The Pussification of America. MANY also complained about it. Here is 101 seconds of TRUTH from one of the baddest BJJ fighters in the world, Dustin Denes, his origins come from wrestling. If you
Believe it or not, the gyms “back in the day” looked much like what everyone is trying to use as a fad today, calling everything “old school” is TRUE, but, old school strength back in the day was NOT being
WOW. I got this e mail mid way through the week, I LOVE getting e mails like this. Check this out, you will be fired up as you read how a young man found comfort in the UNcomfortable!
Walk into a typical high school weight room and you’ll see a 1 rep max test on the squat every month. Typically, you’ll see kids hitting 315 to 495 on the squat. Kids that weigh 185 lbs are doing this,
Bodyweight training is in my blood, just like lifting heavy objects is in my blood. Ironically, MANY think the two don’t go hand in hand, they believe it’s ONE or the other. Not true, my friends, I live for BOTH
In these Videos you will find what I describe as the GREATEST Seminar nobody ever knew about! Actually, MANY people knew about this seminar but we could BARELY GIVE the seminar away! The seminar was taught by Mark Smelly Bell
My workouts have been going VERY good lately and after this past weekend’s seminar at my gym with Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick, I have a gained a MUCH greater amount of knowledge AND respect for powerlifting and straight up
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