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5 x 5 Strength Training QnA

Where did the 5 x 5 program originate from? Well, it’s been around for DECADES. To my knowledge, Reg Park started the 5 x 5 program. As 1 of the strongest bodybuilders ever, and, a man who could bench 500

256 | Iron History with Richard “Pops” Sorin

Prepare to travel back in time with Richard “Pops” Sorin with STRONG Life Podcast 256. We’re gonna try and get these done somewhat often and dig deep into Iron History and the early days of Sorinex. https://Sorinex.com Pops is a

7 Strength Training / Coaching Mistakes that Hurt Athletes

I’m gonna kick this off with something that might sound like arrogance, but in truth, it’s me taking pride in what we do and the results we’ve been delivering since day 1, 2002 garage days. I used to get hated

254: Alan Thrall on Strength Training, Gym Business & Growth Mindset

STRONG Life Podcast ep 254 with Alan Thrall. This was a LOG overdue podcast with Alan. I’ve been following Alan’s training and online presence for a while now and it’s been awesome to watch him and his business grow. Alan

253 | Joel Smith on Speed Training, Program Design & the Strength Coach Profession

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 253 with Joel Smith. This was a powerful podcast as we dug deep into ALL things Speed Training along with the ins and outs of the Strength Coach profession. Joel has been a Coach at

247: Kurt Hester: Strength & Conditioning “Madman”

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 247 with Kurt Hester. WOW, what an awesome episode with Kurt who is in his late 50s (I always say he looks like he’s 32) and crushing it as a Coach. I have a TON of

Strength & Conditioning Thoughts: “Perfect” Training vs DOING THE WORK

Above: The Dumbbells at Diamond Gym. To get to the heaviest weights, you must do all the work to get them from the bottom! In sports, you can be a Coach or even a fan watching practice or competition and

246 | Matt Nichol & Learning from Legends in Strength & Conditioning

WOW! What a BEAST of a podcast with Strength Coach, Matt Nichol. This is STRONG Life Podcast ep. 246. I first heard of Matt around 2004 when I was attending the first ever pilot certification for The IYCA which was

Training In Your 40s, Bulgarian Power Burst, Bench Press + Deadlift Tips

With my hectic schedule I am going through some short training sessions, around 15-20 minutes a clip. Sometimes I get 2 mini sessions a day and instead of complaining, I simply get it done. Announcing how tired or busy I

The “BEST Way” to Train & Develop Athletes for LONG Term Success

Is there a “best way” to train athletes? Many roads can lead to Rome, but the way America is operating with regards to training our youth, only the genetically gifted are thriving. The majority are getting injured and / or

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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