STRONG Life Podcast

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STRONG Life Podcast ep. 239 with Jake Tuura | Strength & Conditioning, Knee Rehab & The Art of Coaching

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 239 with Strength & Conditioning Coach, Jake Tuura. This episode is a powerful deep dive into training athletes, from the mindset to the technical aspect. We also discuss Jake’s research on knee pain / knee rehab

238 | Former Navy SEAL, Quatro Deuce: Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, NEVER QUIT

Here we GO! STRONG Life Podcast ep. 238 with my bro and my mentor, Quatro Deuce (Chriss Smith Jr). QD is a Fomer Navy SEAL and the co owner of Trident Athletics in Alexandria, Va. Chriss and I first met

Ep. 237 | The BIG Business Mistakes Among Strength Coaches

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 237, HERE WE GO! I don’t like to dedicate full episodes to the business aspect but sometimes, it is a must. Time to step UP and get after it. I’ve been getting the same question on

STRONG Life 236 | QnA: Parenting, Gym Business & Training Mistakes I Regret

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 236. This QnA was a BEAST! I had a blast answering some more unique and interesting questions. You can’t ONLY chat strength & conditioning. Eventually, we want to talk about LIFE. Truly, all the training we

BONUS: Early Days Underground Strength Gym, Strength Coach Influences & Success Tips

I had a great time going on The Rugby Renegade Podcast. In this BONUS of The STRONG Life Podcast we tackle some awesome topics: – Early days Underground Strength Gym / Warehouse Gym Start Up Days from the early 2000s

STRONG Life ep. 235 | Raph Ruiz on Training Beyond “Strength & Conditioning”

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 235 with Raph Ruiz on Training Beyond “Strength & Conditioning”. If you’re a die hard performance coach, you’re gonna dig into this episode and get fired up. My buddy, John Welbourn sometimes describes Raph as “The

234 | John Brookfield on Longevity & Strength Training as we “Get Older”

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 234. GREAT times chatting with John Brookfield, who is known for all of his work on hand / grip strength as well as being the CREATOR of Battle Ropes. This episode was all about training for

STRONG Life Bonus w/ Matt Wenning: Strength, Health & Longevity

As always, I had a GREAT time chatting with my man, Matt Wenning. Matt always brings a ton of insight into training for Strength, Health and most importantly, LONGEVITY! Dig in and enjoy the show. Of course, if you enjoy

Sean Waxman: Old School Strength, Training Athletes & The Gym Business

I had a GREAT STRONG Life Chat with my friend, Sean Waxman. Sean grew up in Brooklyn in the early 80s and was surrounded by old school strength from day 1. This is a BONUS STRONG Life Podcast where I

STRONG Life Chat with Gym Owner, Anthony Esposito of BadAss Academy

With all this downtime, I have been crushing the IG Live Chats. Now, honestly…… Who knows how long this can go on for. People get lazy when everything is so readily available to them. Oh, 25 Instagram lives today? I’ll

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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