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The How, Why & When Youth & High School Athletes CAN Train HARD

Decades ago, young children worked on farms sun rise until sun down. There were NO worries of “over training”. The Amish children begin manual labor from a very young age as well. They grow up strong and capable both physically

Strength Training “Advices” From 27 Years Training Experience

Coming this June marks what I call my “Strength Training Anniversary”. I began lifting weights in Mid June, 1989 while in 8th grade and I haven’t looked back or stopped since. I was 13 1/2 years old. This June I’ll

The 4 BIGGEST Mistakes Coaches & Athletic Directors Make In Schools

I taught in the public schools for 11 years. I am back in the public schools as of this writing. During the 10 years in between, I was coaching sometimes 8 hours a day at The Underground Strength Gym along

How & Why We MUST Build Tough, Successful People (Including YOU!)

It might seem like I harp on the same topics over and over and over again and there is a Reason for that. The reason is, I do NOT see or come across enough tough people, of ALL ages. I

QnA: Ranger Selection Training, In Season Workouts & Strength Coach EXCELLENCE

Sometimes ya gotta pack your bags and move on. Staying in the same space, doing the same thing and lack of self evolution is the ultimate way to stress yourself out. You can be good at a lot of stuff

ATTN High School Coaches Who CARE: How to WIN The High School STRONG Program

I want to help a few struggling High School Coaches. The Rules are explained in the Video below as to how you can WIN The High School STRONG Program. The results we’ve proven to develop in athletes since 2002 is

14 Powerful High School Strength & Conditioning Tips

There’s a lot of confusion out there regarding how high school athletes should be training and in this article I’m going to clear a lot of the BS up. For the highly motivated you can and should invest in your

#STRONGLife Ep 78: Kettlebells, Minimalist Training, Gym Business & Mental Toughness

Another QnA Episode here on STRONG Life Podcast # 78. I crush The QnA from my Instagram and of course, the topics vary from training to a lil’ business to some LIFE. Some of the topics / questions I cover

Training Around Injuries VS Making Excuses

What did I do 2 days after shoulder surgery? I went straight to my gym. I set up a mini band and worked BOTH arms, even my arm that was wrapped up and in a few stitches. The other option?

Goals, Goals, GOALS – Ya Gotta Have Them, Here’s Why

The other day I gathered 1 of my groups at The Underground Strength Gym after their warm up. I asked them Who has goals here? Who knows what they are training for and what they want to achieve? There were

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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