Underground Strength Show

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Travis County Strength, Underground Strength Coach Success Story

I want to introduce you to 2 amazing people, my friends Travis Holley & Jennifer Shaw. After 10 years of being Coaches working with another team and having no plans of going on their own, some unexpected changes forced them

Travis Stoetzel, Underground Strength Coach Success Story: Attitude & Environment

It was a day I can remember like it was 5 minutes ago. About 10-12 men rolled up to The Underground Strength Coach Certification during the infancy of the Cert. When it was time to get started I noticed 2

Coach Gags, Underground Strength Coach BOSS: Undeniable Passion for STRENGTH

This is part STRONG Life Podcast and part mini series on featuring a few our Underground Strength Coaches. You might be saying to yourself, “Hey, Zach, WTF does this have to do with ME!? I am not a Coach.” Like

5 Simple Steps For A Stronger Life

To live is to learn. To learn is to evolve. If you remain stagnant you are not truly living, you are merely existing. Here are 5 simple steps I’ve begun implementing more aggressively to live a Stronger Life. Follow these

Shoulder Health + 10 Minute Mobility MASH For Better Mobility & Bigger Lifts

I have been learning like a madman lately…. actually, since 1989! But lately, the amount of new info I am learning is amazing and inspiring me. I am learning new lifting techniques, new breathing techniques and how to take

505 lb Deadlift & Random Thoughts On Training Better

Well, here we are. 2015 is about to end and the New Year’s resolutions will start sounding off. The best way to resolve to do anything is to take aggressive action NOW. The most successful people out there don’t have

Bigger Biceps VS Being Dangerous (And FINALLY Squatting 400+ Lbs Again!)

Let me warn you that the language in this video is NOT WFS (Work / Family Safe). Those of you who “get it” understand that when you are doing something with intensity and passion, there are times you need to

STRONG Life Ep. 46: AWESOME QnA, Training Different Athletes, Lehigh Wrecking Crew & NO Best Biz Books

It’s been a while since I’ve crushed a STRONG Life Podcast and I am sorry. My voice has been MIA for a solid 3 weeks and it’s on the way back. I felt great physically but my voice didn’t work.

The Guts To Be A Successful Strength Coach

As I explain more of what it takes to succeed as a Strength Coach, watch the Video….

Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Training Young Athletes

Training young athletes and running your business around “athletes only” isn’t easy. It requires some serious mental agility, serious knowledge, the ability to overcome obstacles, the ability to have thick skin and plenty more. Although I address many of the

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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