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Imperfect Workouts & ReFocusing Passion

Back in the day when my garage, backyard & playgrounds were OUR training grounds……. [youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube] One of my most popular training courses sparked a TON of controversy when it was released. I remember like yesterday, people e mailing

Underground Inspiration Contest – Why Did You Build It?

I announced this contest to my FaceBook Fan page, HERE. If you’re video is chosen as THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL Video, you will win a LIFETIME membership to The Underground Inner Circle… That is some SERIOUS shiz right there, KIDS! Watch

Short On Time Workouts

Sometimes, time just ain’t on your side. You have two choices when this happens: 1) Skip your workout and come back the next time. More often than not, your excuse will NOT be valid, it will only validate the fact

Underground Strength Nation Inspiration Winner Is….

Check out ALL these videos of dudes submitting their videos to win their Underground T Shirt and their lifetime membership to Underground Strength Nation….. Some have been here before, we can see who the go getters are and who is

Underground Strength Nation Inspiration Contest

Deadline to Post Your Video Below: Monday, Sep. 19, 2011 @ 9 PM EST Winner Gets a Lifetime Membership to Underground Strength Nation and a FREE Underground Strength T Shirt Psyched to see your Inspiration Video! Remember: title your video

Good Times Lie Ahead

“Better to Live Your Dreams Than to Dream Your Life” The USC Cert is a life changing weekend, for those who attend and for myself. I get to meet hungry Strength Coaches…. hungry to turn their passion into profits with

Express YOself, Part II

Do what you feel & feel what you do. I was definitely feelin’ the urge to move heavy objects on this day. Kettlebells have been feeling GREAT and have helped my shoulder feel 100 X better! Almost every workout has

A Day in My Life

Not EVERY post on this Blog will be about lifting. I don’t think lifting is the end all be all, perhaps you’ve heard me use the phrase, ‘Kick Ass in Life AND Lifting’? If not, read the book HERE! Here’s

Fighting Against the Norms of Being Strong, Slow & Weak

I gotta address something ASAP, this is becoming a BIGGER and BIGGER problem. I’m sure this will anger many and then we’ll have a few that can argue against this but it’s time to unleash some TRUTH. It’s starting to

Check Out My Melody

Just wanted to give you a quick update on the killa shizza that’s been getting dropped at The Underground Inner Circle. Or, skip reading this and crank a 30 day trial for one buck, click HERE to get busy. –

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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