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A Wrestling Documentary Everyone Must Watch: The Season | Iowa Wrestling

Back when I was coaching wrestling this wrestling documentary was featured. The year was 2003 I believe. I recorded this with a VHS tape, ha ha. At the time my girlfriend asked me to go out and I remember telling

The Best Squat Shoes?

~ THE SQUAT POEM ~ My e mails and social media messages are being taken over by questions that have LESS to do with what it takes to be strong and more to do with the shoes one should be

How Hard To Train to Maximize Strength & Muscle Growth – Pt 2

Picking up from where we left off. More often than not, the same guy asking “How hard is too hard?” with regards to training is the same guy coming up with excuses for doing the work. “Oh, I’m deloading.” “Oh,

How Hard To Train to Maximize Strength & Muscle Growth?

How hard is too hard when it comes to packing on size and strength? What is enough, what is too much and what is optimal? After decades of experience since 1989, I’ve seen some guys lean more towards one way

Marcus Luttrell Speaks to Alabama Football Team (WHAT You ARE!)

So many people complain about life and how tough of a life they have. Ironically, these complainers often have a nice job, a nice car, a roof over their head and more. Somehow, someway, they still find a way to

NEW Underground Strength T Shirt – Be A SAVAGE!

You asked for it & now we’re gonna rock this shyt. This is our first design in our Limited Edition Underground Strength Nation T Shirts. Every 4 – 8 week we’ll add a new Underground Strength Nation design. Each design

The BIGGEST Mistake Strength Coaches Make – Pt 3

There is ONE thing that changes the trajectory and determines the success of a Coach. I’ve seen this time and again in the strength & conditioning field as well as the sport coaching field. This one is BIG time near

3 Mistakes That Ruin The Success Of Strength Coaches – Pt 1 & 2

Above, a pic of the parking lot during the first few weeks of The Underground Strength Gym (warehouse gym) after moving out of my 2 car garage into a 1600 sq ft warehouse in Edison, NJ. I’ve made many mistakes

6 Ways To Build Strength, Mental Toughness & Dominate Life

One thing I have learned as of late is that when the going gets tough, MANY people will quit. When the chips are down, they bail. Men especially, are no longer men. I’m not talking that bull shyt where I’m

STRONG Life 43: Travis Stoetzel, Train Aggressive & Intensity for LIFE

In early September I got to spend a kick ass weekend with Travis and and a crew of kick ass Underground Strength Coaches up in SPARTAN HQ in Vt. We got to chat life and lifting all weekend and it

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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