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Life & Lifting Lessons Learned In Cali

This past weekend I had an AWESOME time out west in Cali! I hadn’t been out to Cali for about 12 years or so, back when my older bro lived in San Diego. If you’ve never been to San Diego,

Harness Your Fear To Lift Heavier & Get STRONGER

I ain’t gonna lie. I was nervous and actually kind of scared. It’s been a LONG time since I felt any fear entering a training session. I was at Mark “Smelly” Bell’s Super Training Gym in Sacramento, Ca. I had

The Problem with Perfect Workouts & Weak People

I often wonder how a Strength Coach thinks in his early days of coaching athletes. For me, when I began training athletes, I was viewed as an outcast. Seriously…… Coaches were training on Bosu Balls, using the Functional Trainer cable,

Motivation To F**k Sh*t UP!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] Drop a comment below and let us know how you find ways to break through and stay motivated and above all else, get shit done! Time to go and train! Live The Code. Lead from the Front.

STRONGCast 13: Travis Mash On Weightlifting, Powerlifting & Family

In this ass kicking episode of The STRONGCast I interview my friend and ass kicker, world record holder and top Weightlifting Coach, Travis Mash. In this episode Travis and I talk about:

A Lil’ Motivational Story

Here’s a lil motivational story. One that really hits home for me, touches my heart. I will leave the name anonymous but I will say a few things before I share this story with you. When I was in high

Underground Strength Nation T Shirt Contest

I’m pumped that Rogue Fitness is carrying our Underground Strength Nation T Shirts HERE. So. I decided we should crush a contest with You wearing your Underground Strength Shirt and YES, it has to be THIS Exact T Shirt

Barbell Shrugged, Underground Strength Gym & Living The Code

In this podcast with the Barbell Shrugged crew we crush what is perhaps the most awesome podcast to ever be recorded…. ever…. in the universe. TRUTH. I get into the journey of The Underground Strength Gym and the ups and

STRONGCast # 12: Tommy Hackenbruck, CrossFit Training & Mental Toughness for LIFE

STRONGCast # 12 with someone I REALLY admire. He’s a BEAST in Life AND Lifting. He’s gone through SEAL Fit Kokoro 2 x and runs multiple CrossFit Gyms. He’s humble and let’s his actions speak for themselves. The man, Tommy

Workout Motivation – What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Training?

I’m constantly asked how to get motivated to train. People must think I have super powers and always have workout motivation / training motivation. Yes, I am ALMOST always fired up. Almost, being the key word. Sometimes I feel like

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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