Since my youngest years, I can consistently recall how anyone achieving anything at a higher level than “normal” was called “crazy”, as if achieving success and fighting the urge to fall in line with mediocrity was a bad thing. At
In this Spartan Video from The Spartan Wrestling Camp, I join with Joe DeSena, Col. Nye and Charlie Pritchard to share Spartan Success Tips and Wisdom on “what it takes”. The different between good and great. The ability to adapt,
This is the article I dreaded ever having to write; “Training as you get older” or “Training in your 40s”. Before I move forward, understand, these are my experiences. My experiences don’t make anything universal or the end all, be
STRONG Life Podcast episode 124 with 19 yr old, Jason Woods. Jason traveled to NJ for The USC Cert with Travis Mash and I, flying here from Scotland. We got the podcast rolling as I drove him up to the
Episode 123 of The STRONG Life Podcast is with my friend Max Shank who I connected with 10+ years ago after seeing him on early days YouTube lifting BIG stones & competing in ShootFighting. I’ve been inspired and educated with
In this Bonus episode of The STRONG Life, I share with you my 5 BIG takeaways from my weekend in Pittsfield, Vt while running The Spartan Wrestling Camp and seeing a LOT of events happening all at once, under The
STRONG Life Episode 122 with Ron McKeefery. This episode was one of the most inspiring conversations I’ve had in a LONG time. My words can’t do justice to how awesome this episode was! From talking about tactics and strategies of
Every morning I am up and at em’ in a similar fashion. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. I understand this isn’t what “sells” but oh well…… I am always ready to lose the popularity contest so I can stay true to
The internet is a funny place. People don’t see your entire life so they generalize your life according to what they see on your Instagram or YouTube channel. Well guess what, I feel like we are all more similar than
STRONG Life Podcast Episode 121 with Success Coach, Jaret Grossman. I came across Jaret’s words some years ago through a random motivational YouTube Video that popped up in my recommended feed. I didn’t see his face in this video, it
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