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STRONG Life Ep 60: Cory Gregory on Mental Toughness, Dedication & Work Ethic

In episode 60 of The STRONG Life Podcast I grill Cory Gregory of Muscle Pharm BUT NOT in the typical interview style you’ve been hearing recently. We crushed this STRONGCast for 1 hour and then I went back and added

5 Program Design Tips for Building Dominant Athletes

Training goes far beyond sets and reps. Far beyond in season, off season, pre season and post season. Far beyond science….. In this Video I break down the training methods, the assessment, how I blend gym experience with science and

You Have Greater Potential Than You Know!

If you think too much, and most people do, you will never reach your potential. You will dissect everything and find out 100 reasons why you can’t, when all you need is 1 BIG reason WHY you CAN. You are

It’s Dangerous Out There & 9 Life Lessons For A STRONG Life

Here’s some straight talk about LIFE and how to stay STRONG, even when the cards are stacked against you. Pay attention to detail and remember that success leaves clues. You might think this post is jaded or that this is

Don’t Be That Strength Coach

Since being in gyms from the age of 13 (1989) until today where I own 2 gyms and work with Coaches around the world on both training and business, I have learned a few things that are often NOT spoken

STRONG Life 59: Book Review, Money Matters & Muscle Advices

In episode 50 of The STRONG Life Podcast I go raw and uncut. No intro music this time and for me, it’s a reminder of where I came from and a reminder for you, that there are NO excuses and

STRONG Life Ep 58: NO Holds Barred Strength Coach QnA + Training QnA

Above, The July 2015 Newly Certified Underground Strength Coach Wrecking Crew! In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I crush a heavy duty QnA covering the following topics: – The Strength Coach / Warehouse Gym Business. Topics from managing

Strength Coach Business & Life Tips – July 2015

Every time I open up the gates for QnA, half or more than half are from Strength Coaches or aspiring Strength Coaches. The more I soak this fact in, the more I realize we are an ARMY of Coaches, together,

Strength Coach On Wheels, Best Low Back Exercises & Champion Mindset

In this QnA Video from my Instagram I answer the following questions: – What are the Top 5 pieces of equipment for a Strength Coach on wheels? – What is the best exercise(s) for strengthening the lower back? – What

13 Random Thoughts & Rants

This will be one of my best rants & random thoughts post in a while, I can already feel it in my bones. That also means today’s Deadlift session will be fueled with some serious aggression. Let us begin….

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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