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How To Build Muscle – The Mindset

One of our wrestlers from The Underground Strength Gym just returned from a 28 day intensive wrestling camp. The infamous J Robinson Intensive Camp. The wrestlers would be awoken at 3, 4 or 5 am and sent off on long

Navy SEAL Gives His Top 5 Mental Edge Tips To Live By

Tip #1 Believe in Yourself This is the foundation of mental conditioning. If you don’t believe in yourself and have self confidence then all other techniques will not work. How do you do this? Use physical conditioning as your method

Dominate In Training AND Life: Tips from Myself, John Jesse & WARRIOR Man

Regardless of the type of athlete you are, your training and your mindset should be focused around these 3things:

Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises For A Globo Gym

After countless e mails coming through asking me to “Please review my workout” or “Write me a workout….” it baffles me that 99% of the people who have gotten the free gift when subscribing to The Underground Strength Insider are

How To Use StrongMan Workouts For Mental Toughness, Strength & Power

When utilizing strongman training for athletic performance there are various ways to implement the exercises and methods for different results. Whether you need more muscle mass, more strength, more speed & power or perhaps greater mental toughness, you can tweak

Be An Ass Kicker, Dream BIG, GO BIG & Achieve BIG!

Most people get a job, raise a family and then they die. STOP being afraid. Just fucking GO for it. I’ve been down before, plenty of times. I’ve been beaten down, held down, cheated on, stolen from, hated, doubted and

Tough Mudder Ass Kicker Against Doctor’s Predictions

I LOVE success stories when they come my way from guys & gals attacking our Underground Strength workouts and kicking ass as a result. ALL serious athletes have a Coach. I say the same in business, ALL serious entrepreneurs have

You Can See It In Their Eyes

The eyes say a lot about the person. You can get a vibe from someone by looking at their eyes. If you’ve seen Rocky III, you recall Apollo talking about “that look”. The Eye of The Tiger is what Apollo

6th Annual Lift Strong 2013 Fundraiser For Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

6th Annual Lift Strong 2013 Fundraiser For Leukemia & Lymphoma Society [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] – Date: Sunday, July 21st, 2013 – Location: Underground Strength Gym of Edison 160 Talmadge Rd / Edison, NJ 08817 (Same Parking Lot As Apollon Gym)

The Desire To Be GREAT & WHY I Achieved Success As A Coach

If you want to be GREAT at something, then you need to LOVE that thing and genuinely CARE for that thing from the deepest core of your heart, soul & spirit. The caring and love you have for something will

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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