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Dan Gable Life Lessons On Kickin’ Ass & Takin’ Names (Opportunity)

“When There’s An Opportunity In Front Of You, Take It.” [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] A few Years ago I spoke at The CrossFit affiliate gathering. It was a life changing weekend for me and an honor to be invited to speak

One Man’s Journey To Find His Driving Force, Heart & Mental Toughness

Guest Post by Jim Thompson Working in the fitness industry I see vast differences in people’s attitudes regarding how they approach training, but there is one commonality among most of them; people train for the physical benefits and wouldn’t train

Are You TOO Passionate?

Nowadays you can get punished for being too ambitious, too passionate, caring too much, etc…. Punished by the WRONG people that is. If you let the naysayers control your actions and hold down your passion you WILL Lose. Period. Here

Grant Cardone Success Interview

  In This STRONG Life Podcast BONUS Episode, Grant Cardone & Zach Even – Esh Discuss Success Strategies for Strength Coaches. Here’s Just SOME of the Poweful Topics We Discuss: – Why Money DOES Matter! MANY People say “money doesn’t

Push Ups For Charity & The Navy SEAL Push Up Workout

With Push Ups for Charity around the corner at The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan I wanna get you physically and mentally ready for what we’re about to do! Details on our fundraiser are HERE – we have give aways,

How The MOST Successful People Think, Act & Live

This video fires me up BIG time. Although following your passion does NOT mean you will automatically become a success, there are far more AMAZING things said in this video that will truly hit home. I think a power video

I’m Just Passionate

I’m extremely passionate about everything I do. I have NO clue how it all began but as long as I can remember, whenever I got into something, I went full force and gave it my all. I’ve noticed that being

Mental Toughness for Life AND Lifting

This video was put together by someone who obviously admires my man, Smelly, aka Mark Bell. The words resonate with people like you and I…. Underground Strength Nation. It’s about Mental Toughness, Discipline, Commitment, Attacking Life….. WARNING: This video has

Live The Code Success Journey & BIG Announcement

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] Stay tuned for my BIG Announcement for a FREE Live The Code / Underground Strength QnA to be held at The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan. I will announce this FREE Seminar through our newsletter so Subscribe

The REAL Warriors

A while back, some years ago, I sent out an e mail talking about being a Warrior. I was referring to the mindset of getting after whatever it is you do and giving it your all. As many of you

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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