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Fighting Against the Norms of Being Strong, Slow & Weak

I gotta address something ASAP, this is becoming a BIGGER and BIGGER problem. I’m sure this will anger many and then we’ll have a few that can argue against this but it’s time to unleash some TRUTH. It’s starting to

What to Do When Powerlifting Sucks?

This scenario might anger many, but, it may also be a stone throw away from happening to you. Check out this e mail I received and see my thoughts below: Zach, Just wanted to send you an email to let

Pussification of The World – Words from a Wrestler

MANY people loved my article on The Pussification of America. MANY also complained about it. Here is 101 seconds of TRUTH from one of the baddest BJJ fighters in the world, Dustin Denes, his origins come from wrestling. If you

A Man of Steel Finds Comfort in the UNcomfortable

WOW. I got this e mail mid way through the week, I LOVE getting e mails like this. Check this out, you will be fired up as you read how a young man found comfort in the UNcomfortable!

Bodyweight Workout Post Sandbag Challenge

WOW! That John Welbourn Underground Sandbag Challenge busted me up as well as everyone else! Sometimes, you need a good ol’ gut check training session! Some athletes were laying down for 5 – 10 minutes after going ALL out for

Liftin’ Heavy S**T & Chuck Vogelpohl, The Legend

In these Videos you will find what I describe as the GREATEST Seminar nobody ever knew about! Actually, MANY people knew about this seminar but we could BARELY GIVE the seminar away! The seminar was taught by Mark Smelly Bell

Thoughts On Squats, Jumps, Aggressive Learning & WINNING

My workouts have been going VERY good lately and after this past weekend’s seminar at my gym with Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick, I have a gained a MUCH greater amount of knowledge AND respect for powerlifting and straight up

Lessons in Greatness, Hellish Times, Adversity & The Age Factor from Rodney Dangerfield

I watch lots of biographies on TV and love to read biographies and autobiographies. I probably read Arnold’s ‘Education of a Bodybuilder’ over 100 times while in high school alone. I read it many more times after high school as

The X Factor

I am psyched by all the feedback I got from the last Blog on kickin’ ass in life AND lifting, of course, I had my fair share of cry babies e mail me, but that’s fine, come’s with the territory.

SEAL Fit, Getting My Ass Kicked & Pushing the Envelope

I’ve been following some of the workouts from SEAL Fit this past week and adapting them slightly to my own according to injuries and my infancy to the program. My volume is WAY less than they recommend, and those LONG

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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