I was in my early teens and training at my first “Hardcore Gym”. This gym was 7,500 sq ft. NO AC, just a bunch of stand up industrial fans. ALL the plates were deep dish Ivanko plates and there was
Photo Cred HuskerMax.com In mid June in NJ the Governor granted permission for “gyms” to train outdoors. I always say, The Underground Strength Gym is a Private club, but the government and governor don’t really understand this. When mid June
It was the Winter of 2002, maybe 2003….. I remember it was a freezing cold night. I had connected with a Kettlebell instructor to finally purchase my first 2 pairs of Kettlebells. Back then, we would all chat on a
When the beginning of COVID locked us all down, I was helping friends near and far with interviews, workouts and support for their gyms. My buddy Jim Kelly reached out to me. Jim is in Iowa operating Citadel BJJ and
STRONG Life Podcast ep. 242. Here we GO! In this QnA episode we dive into a variety of topics and they ALL will get you fired up to move forward in Life AND Lifting.
Training for Performance – The Value of Calisthenics. Let’s dig into performance. Performance for sports and performance for life and work. Bodyweight training is a big component to improve your strength and muscular endurance for sports. In high school we
I wrote about “Strong & Useless” in my Encyclopedia of Underground Strength & Conditioning. It’s when an athlete can move big weights on the barbell but can’t do basic bodyweight exercises such as lunges, pull ups, pushups, sprints, and jumps.
My back was going into spasms on the craziest things: doing dishes, warm ups with DB side raises, bent over row with a light barbell. It felt like a shot of lightning was hitting me in the back. I spoke
“Before my father died, he said the worst thing about growing old was that other men stopped seeing you as dangerous. I’ve always remembered that, how being dangerous was sacred, a badge of honor.” That line from the movie Act
Here we go! STRONG Life Podcast ep. 240 with Strength Coach & Gym owner, JP Mikhael. This is a POWERFUL, inspiring story about overcoming tough times and doing GREAT in this world. Listen to the podcast first and then see
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