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Before The “Perfect Workout” Program, Do This 1 Thing

The world is in a strange place…… I find myself saying that often. Hence, why I get so fired up and this article will be part rant and part advice on “what it takes”… I see what is happening in

STRONG Life Ep. 87: How I Organize The Business & Training Operations at The Underground Strength Gym

Episode 87 of The STRONG Life Podcast was a loaded QnA covering the many facets of how I started, grew and currently run The Underground Strength Gym. As of now, I have 2 locations in NJ and a 3rd location

Give the Barbell a Break with Kettlebell & Bodyweight Hybrid Workouts

I remember about 6 years ago or so my body was aching constantly. I would walk down the stairs in the morning and my knees would hurt, my feet hurt. My mind was asking WTF is going on here!?! I

Testosterone QnA With Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield is 1 of my favorite people in the “fitness industry” and 1 of the smartest. I have invested in coaching with Ben and listen / read his info ALL the time. The knowledge this guy is constantly dropping

The STRONG Life Essence: Live, LIFT, Have FUN & Have PURPOSE

Last night I did a STRONG Life Podcast with my buddy, Joe DeSena, The Founder of The SPARTAN Race. One topic that came to mind was that of having a Purpose in your life. At this time of year, the

Why You Need SQUATS & The STRONG Life Tip Of The Day

Squats are the cornerstone of The STRONG Life Training Program. When done correctly, you squat deep. You squat heavy. Sometimes you Squat with lighter weights but higher reps. 10 and 20 rep squats. They are brutal but they are a

The STRONG Life Philosophy: How to Dominate in the Gym AND in LIFE

The STRONG Life is The BEST Life. Strong Mind. Strong Body. STRONG LIFE. The Philosophy behind The STRONG Life is constantly evolving for me. Once you STOP evolving you are no longer living. It’s an understanding that once you accept

STRONG Life Ep. 85: Life & Times Of A Strength Coach w/ Aaron Ausmus

STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 85 with Aaron Ausmus. Aaron takes us through his journey as a high school athlete to a walk on athlete at The D1 Level and his journey to winning a D1 National Title as a shot

Genetics, Lame Excuses & Muscle Building

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated

STRONG Life 84: Discipline To Succeed In Sports, Life & Business w/ Matt Vincent

Episode 84 of The STRONG Life Podcast with Matt Vincent, a Highland Games World Champion. We crush the QnA and discuss questions that address: Training to boost your deadlift Competing on the regular & always being ready to compete &

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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