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RAW with Marty Gallagher: Strength Endurance, Minimalist Training & Fighting the Fads & Gimmicks of Strength & Conditioning

In this BONUS episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I join my friends of Iron Company on their podcast. We’ve got JP Brice, Marty Gallagher and Jim Steel. Marty’s podcast is called RAW, and once you hear his unfiltered ways

202 | Underground Strength History, Building Hammers & Balancing That Strength Coach Lifestyle

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 202! This was a GREAT QnA episode where I dug deep and answered your questions with some awesome stories and in depth info. Here’s just some of the questions I answered: – How do you start

Trap Bar Deadlift vs Conventional & Sumo Deadlift – Pt 2

Here we go in part 2 of what will be a 3 part series. What is better? The Trap Bar Deadlift or Conventional Deadlifts or Sumo? Well, as I always say, It depends! I explain why it depends from both

Why You Need Squats & Deadlifts to Strengthen the Mind AND Body

Sometimes you gotta clear your head. And for “normal folk”, that means getting a few beers, maybe drink some wine. For people like Us, that means squats and deads. Yes, we’re organized and planning our training. We’ve got a goal

History Behind The Underground Strength Gym, Life Stories & Lessons Learned

Welcome to another Bonus episode of The STRONG Life Podcast. In this episode, The boys from The Mind Muscle Project hit this one out of the park when they interviewed me. It was reminiscent of when The Barbell Shrugged crew

199 | Rachel Balkovec Interviews Zach on Childhood Upbringing, Coaching Philosophy & More!

Here we go, STRONG Life Podcast ep. 199 with Rachel Balkovec. Rachel interviewed me for her Theta Wave Podcast while on my drive to teaching and we got into some awesome history behind my training, my childhood and how these

Iron Roots – Ep. 11 – Mike Mentzer aka Mr. Heavy Duty | High Intensity Training

I was 12 years old, maybe 13 when I first came across the training of Mike Mentzer aka Mr. Heavy Duty. I remember thinking to myself, Holy s–t, this guy looks like he’s been carved from stone! Mike had a

Are You Allergic to HARD WORK?

As I am doing some research for some up and coming episodes of The Iron Roots Podcast I came across some of my favorite articles. Articles from the 60s and early 70s, before I was born. What do these articles

Iron Roots Ep. 10 – Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia by John Jesse

This book was gifted to me in the early 2000s by Josh Henkin, creator of The Ultimate Sandbag. I will never forget how grateful I was and still am that Josh shared this book with me! This book was written

Gladiator STRONG + How I Messed Up My Own Training When I Was Younger?

When I was younger and competing in sports, wrestling specifically, I was unfortunately training the WRONG way. And as an athlete, time is crucial. You NEVER get that time back and so, you miss out on opportunity. The opportunity to

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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