The eyes say a lot about the person. You can get a vibe from someone by looking at their eyes. If you’ve seen Rocky III, you recall Apollo talking about “that look”. The Eye of The Tiger is what Apollo
I’ve been stepping up and voicing my opinion on the overbearing, ego-maniac parents and coaches out there who are hurting their kids with shitty training programs and overall shitty decisions pertaining to training and ultimately, life. Why is it acceptable
I came up learning from the Golden Era Greats of Bodybuilding and the late, great John Kemper, the owner of Diamond Gym. These men were strong, jacked and ripped. They lifted heavy and often did supersets, even with the big
I’ve traveled around the country and have done some crazy things to get my hands on vintage, historical strength training equipment. This article was written in 2010. This was a time when I rarely came across collectors. People flipping vintage
Here’s Part 2 of our 2 Part series of What I learned at Sorinex Summer Strong. Continuing with the exercises that are overrated pertaining to the development of athletes. Here are 2 exercises that I have found ways to work
Here’s a recap of just some of the lessons learned at Sorinex Summer Strong. More than just lessons, these were the main themes that simply kept coming back around, full circle. If any of the lifters and coaches disagreed, it
How do you eat to get leaner, stronger & fitter? How do you train to pack on MAX strength & MAX Muscle? The answer is this…..
How do I get bigger, stronger, faster? I’ll tell you this much. It won’t happen if you keep looking for the magic bullet. Eventually, you just have to DO SOMETHING. Here’s a story of someone who wasted time & energy
Years Ago We Barely Had Anything To Eat Now I Earn More Money And I See Every Opponent As A Man That Tries To Put Me Back To That Poorer Period. – Fedor – [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] When you train,
My friend, Coach & Mentor, former Navy SEAL, Brad McLeod, asked me to crush a video for his friends on the best Bodyweight Bodybuilding exercises. Below is the video and also a list of The Top 11 Bodyweight Exercises along
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