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Underground Strength Coach Inspiration Contest is ON!

OK! The Videos have been submitted, many by those who have attended the Underground Strength Coach Mentorship, but also by those have been part of The Underground Inner Circle or have purchased some Underground programs. The final result will be

How to Kick Ass, Get STRONGER & Get JACKED in a 1 Car Garage Gym

I remember I was 25 or so, and decided to stop training at the local gym. I was finishing Graduate school which was an hour drive each way. Graduate school was wiping me out in addition to working full time,

Mark Rippetoe Interview on Building Functional Muscle & Brute Strength

Enjoy the audio interrogation with Coach Mark Rippetoe. Apologies for the little static during the first 2 minutes but it clears up after the 2 minute mark. Have mercy on me as my office is out of a military back

The NO Rules Workout

Yes, I admit it, people complaining about my workouts or calling them crazy only stokes my fire and makes me crazier. Check out the inside look of my latest ‘NO Rules Workout’ – This is only part of the training.

Dan John Interrogation

Check out my interview with Dan John. I gotta say, guys like Dan John, Coach Ethan Reeve – these guys are amazing coaches, but also a bit crazy. I feel related to them – kinda like we’re from the same

Days of Thunder Bodybuilding…..

It was September of 1994. I was training at a now defunct gym, it was legit “hardcore”, called Dynamic Fitness. Such a shame that it had to end, but it did. I’ll never forget that gym. It shaped me and

Upper Body Workout and THE 5 Year Plan!?!?

The inspiration to live a STRONG Life drives me to face my fears, be it in the gym or in life. The pic above of Ken Waller about to smash some heavy dumbbell benching also inspired me. I explain my

My Favorite Full Body Workout

I am returning home from a week long business trip blended with a vacation. Aside from push ups, my body (and mind) are starving for a full body workout. The workout I’m going to do ASAP upon my return to

There Are NO Secrets

Some say they have secrets for packing on freakish amounts of ripped muscle and insane amounts of strength. The internet is famous for click bait, louring you into something that sounds profound, but in a nut shell is a gimmick.

My Favorite Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Sport Training & Strength Training Books

I’ve Got an AWESOME video for you, and although it is a bit long (12 minutes), these are the books that have shaped and even changed my life…. So, grab some coffee, or a protein shake or maybe some fruit

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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