Underground Strength Challenge

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Online Training & Coaching

After constant requests to create an online coaching program for athletes and lifters around the world, the time and opportunity is finally here. Instead of wasting time surfing the internet for “the secret to bla bla bla” & BS fads

Finding Your True North, Death Race & Beyond Mental Toughness

He woke up every day at the same time and followed the same routine. The alarm went off at 6:07 AM and he stumbled his way down stairs to get his cup of coffee, eyes barely open and feet stumbling

My Thoughts On Training As You “Get Older” & The BEST Workout Program

I was 27 years old and getting my car filled up on gas at the local gas station. It was almost Summer time and I was wearing shorts and a t shirt. A guy I knew saw me and said,

Hard Work Is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Hard Work is BEAUTIFUL. That is the first step towards success in any endeavor, Loving work rather than fearing work. You’ll find resistance all around you as you work your ass off to achieve greatness in any endeavor, be it

Warrior Workouts [March 2015], Random Thoughts & Various Inspiration

I am always finding inspiration. For some reason, everything I see inspires me in some shape or form. I am inspired to be better than I currently am as well as to not be like the things I see

Warrior Training & Defeating Mr. Resistance

Above, new art work at The Underground Strength Gym…. The day before I had a good workout. Not a Great workout, just good. Good is the death of Greatness, don’t forget that. I was motivated to crush today’s training and

Inside My Recent Training: Spartan Combat Training

I’ve been working around a nagging shoulder & bicep injury but finding a way to get it done and make it happen. The years and years of training are piling up since 1989 but I am grateful for all that

How & Why You Must Train Your INNER Warrior

Even the nicest guy / gal has an inner Warrior spirit. And even if you live in a town as nice and safe as where The Brady Bunch lived, you must train the mind, body and spirit to not only

5 Minutes & 7 Simple Workouts to a STRONGER Mind, Body & LIFE

The Crew after a rafting trip during the USC Spartan Mastermind. The weekend was loaded with Uncomfortable training that helped everyone break through barriers in their mind, their body and their life / business. Hard Training Builds Tough Men. I

Bigger Biceps VS Being Dangerous (And FINALLY Squatting 400+ Lbs Again!)

Let me warn you that the language in this video is NOT WFS (Work / Family Safe). Those of you who “get it” understand that when you are doing something with intensity and passion, there are times you need to

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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