Kid parks his car in front of the house to deliver pizza. It’s a test. All of it. I watch to see if he’ll take the sidewalk or cut across the front lawn. He cuts across the front lawn. I
So many people struggle to make strength and size gains because of a few basic principles that have proven themselves for decades and even centuries are ignored because they don’t look cool. So if you’re part of that “I saw
More and more I begin to question if we can make a change to our youth sports programs and most of all, our youth Physical Education programs. My own answer to this dilemma? YES, change CAN be made. It is
In Episode 86 Of The STRONG Life Podcast I catch up with my buddy, Joe DeSena. Joe is The Founder of The Spartan Race and we connected in prior episodes of The STRONG Life Podcast HERE. In this episode, we
The STRONG Life is The BEST Life. Strong Mind. Strong Body. STRONG LIFE. The Philosophy behind The STRONG Life is constantly evolving for me. Once you STOP evolving you are no longer living. It’s an understanding that once you accept
Last weekend was a whirlwind of emotions as we had our MOST successful Lift STRONG fundraiser for Leukemia & Lymphoma. Since 2007 when it ALL began, the growth has been amazing! When the reporter asked & said to me, “This
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
I began training in my garage during my 5th year as a teacher. It was the Fall of 2002. Time was of the essence as I was balancing the following: A new teaching position at the Middle School Middle School
Coming this June marks what I call my “Strength Training Anniversary”. I began lifting weights in Mid June, 1989 while in 8th grade and I haven’t looked back or stopped since. I was 13 1/2 years old. This June I’ll
I taught in the public schools for 11 years. I am back in the public schools as of this writing. During the 10 years in between, I was coaching sometimes 8 hours a day at The Underground Strength Gym along
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