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Safety Squat Bar VS The Straight Bar Squat for Athletes: Strength & Shoulder Health + 3 Week Squat Cycle

Above, Mark Chaillet Squats – Photo from Purposeful Primitive / Marty Gallagher After a recent squat workout with the athletes at The Underground Strength Gym, I began having a more serious conversation in my own mind regarding the use of

QnA: Busy Man Workouts, Investing in Yourself & Forging Mental Toughness

This is a GREAT BONUS episode of The STRONG Life Podcast. The questions were great and I kick off this bonus episode with an intro on investing in yourself. This is a powerful message I want to share with you

204 | Fred Hatfield aka Dr. Squat on Passion, Winning & Excellence

  STRONG Life Podcast ep. 204 let’s GO!!! In this episode we have an excerpt from Dr. Fred Hatfield’s Speech on Passion, Winning & Excellence. This speech on the surface seems as if it’s about sports but as we dig

203 | Marty Gallagher on Minimalist Strength Training

Photo Credit: Marty Gallagher’s Purposeful Primitive Book STRONG Life Podcast ep.203. I LOVE talking training and life with Marty Gallagher. We speak often and we do it the “old school” way, via phone! Imagine that! In this episode Marty and

How to Use Imperfect Squats / Imperfect Training in A “Perfect World”

I’ve gotten lucky this Summer…… You see, the past year has been a struggle with regards to training. My commute to work would be a minimum of 1 hour each way, sometimes 1.5 hours if it was raining because people

Deadlifts, Doing the WORK & Paying it Forward

The fitness industry is unfortunately loaded with so much BS it disheartens me. It actually embarassess me to even be considered part of this industry. From the fakeness to the lack of ethics, but I guess this is everywhere in

Josh Bryant & Al Vermeil: Cutting Though the Fads & Gimmicks of Strength & Conditioning

As of this article / podcast being posted, I have listened to this Bonus podcast with Al Vermeil and Josh Bryant 4 times! Yes, it is THAT GOOD! This STRONG Life Bonus was given to me by Josh Bryant who

4 Tips on How to Build Strength Endurance aka “Performance Muscles”

Strength Endurance or as my friend, Marty Gallagher calls it, Sustained Strength. STRENGTH ENDURANCE – This is simply strength that keeps on keeping on. Strength that ENDURES. Not just physically, but also Mentally. This is a crucial “special strength” that

Iron Roots Ep. 12 | Dinosaur Training

It was the mid 90s and bodybuilding was starting to go from 220 lb competitors to 275 lb competitors. On the other end of the spectrum, Fitness magazines began to get popular along with body pump and spin classes inside

Old School Gyms & Building BEASTS with Minimalist Equipment & Training

It’s interesting…… As I am about to write I say to myself, Who’s even going to read this? Barely anyone. That’s OK. I NEED to write about this. It’s therapeutic for me. There’s no “hook” in writing this article because

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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