Bodyweight Bodybuilding

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How to Use HEAVY Bodyweight Training & Pulling Power for Brute Strength

I recall having a phone call with Joe DeFranco and he was telling me how one of his Coaches / former athletes, Mike Guadango, was regularly doing heavy, HEAVY 1 rep sets for pull ups. Mike was also performing heavy

How 2 Wrestlers & George Hackenschmidt Changed My Way Of Training

I got my hands on an old book in the early 2000s and it really pushed home the need & the power for simplicity in life, training and nutrition. In addition, the book also encouraged the need for basics. When

15 Minute Muscle Building Workouts

I was in a bit of a rush Friday before clients were heading in to The Underground Strength Gym and I was finishing up some work on the Blog. Not to worry, as I knew I could crank out some

A Day at DeFranco’s – The Strongman Challenge

Yesterday I made the one hour trek up north to my homeboy Joe D’s gym, and damn, what a gym it is, I’m in heaven there. The atmosphere is always high octane and steel is always clanging together or being

Jonny Hinds & Kettlebells in Action: The Kettlebell Prison Style Workout

My homeboy, Jonny Hinds, is tearing it up with kettlebells and box jumps with his favorite style of training, “Prison Workouts”. Prison workouts usually involve some sort of: Descending / Ladder Style reps Total Rep Challenge

Power Talk with Jonny Hinds of The Monkey Bar Gym

On my one hand, I can count those who have REALLY influenced me in training AND in life. Without hesitation, Jonny Hinds is one of those people. I connected with Jon maybe 2 or 3 years ago by phone, after

Underground Bodybuilding in a Garage Gym: Simple, NOT Easy

With the busy times hitting me hard, there is no fear. Most people would give up and skip workouts entirely. I’m too tired…. I don’t have time…. I can’t get to the gym… If you have 15 minutes, you have

Why I’m The Anti Purist When It Comes To Training Methods & What REALLY Matters?

I’m an anti purist when it comes to strength and performance training. I don’t use only one training tool or only one training method. Why? Simple: I am a purist when it comes to training for Results. Results are THE

Q&A: Building Muscle, High Reps vs Low Reps

Above, the Back of BIG Kevin Tolbert Zach, It’s a bit confusing to me as I’ve been reading a lot of books about building up muscle & strength. Many of them said reps should be around 8-12 and anything more

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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