Mental Toughness

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NJ Wrestling Training, Eye of The Tiger & Physical Culture

I took a 1 hr drive up north yesterday to train The Blair Academy Wrestling Team, NEVER in my life have I seen an entire room of athletes who: – Focused 110% – Listened AND made eye contact – NEVER

How to Use Kettlebells to Build Muscle, Build Strength & Mental Toughness

I’m here in Louisville, and on the way out here I stopped through Ohio to meet some friends of the iron game, took a trip through Westside Barbell club & recorded 15 minutes of it for Underground Strength Academy members.

The Combat Conditioning Playground Workout, AKA, Damage Inc

Try this workout below, in the video. It’s an oldie but a goody, a blast from the past dating back to the original days of The Underground where most of my workouts were outdoors mixing Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Sleds, Playground training,

Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises Making You a TRUE Beast!

Lifting BIG weights feels awesome and there is NO denying that being a BEAST under a Barbell is critical for strength. You just can’t deny squats, deadlifts, cleans, military pressing and the bench press. But…. Sometimes, the barbell just

The Busy Man Bodybuilding Workout

Time is something I have TRULY began to respect, for 2 BIG reasons: 1) My kids 2) Being an entrepreneur In fact most people are today are more time conscious than ever before. Think about it. We barely call people

Strongman Training for SERIOUS Muscle & Strength

I love the barbell and all free weights. But there is something powerful, beyond the strength benefits, about training with odd objects. The mental toughness, the commitment to finish the struggling rep and the attitude required to fight through is

Power-Bodybuilding Workouts

Last night I was so tired when I was done training my athletes at The Underground I was ready to just call it a night and drive home. Certainly, back when I was a teenager or early 20s, training at

Bodybuilding with Sandbags

I love training with Sandbags. They are simple and brutal. Overall, they are an all in one gym and you can mimic a lot of barbell lifts with the sandbag along with old fashioned farm boy work; carry, throw, loading

Develop Full Body Strength with Farmer Walk Variations

I’m a BIG believer in carrying heavy objects of all kinds. It requires you to perform an explosive power clean or a Deadlift at the beginning of every set. Then, you must wrestle the object into position which works the

REAL World Strength vs Pretty Boy Bodybuilding

It was the Fall of 2007…… Interesting story from today while training a crew of wrestlers and football players…. Two high school kids stopped by the gym while we were outside flipping tires, pulling and pushing sleds, carrying kegs, sandbags