Old School Strength

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How To Build An AWESOME Home Gym / Garage Gym

There is something PURE about training in your very own home gym – be it the garage, basement, backyard or spare bedroom…. Heck. I’ve heard of some home gym set ups in people’s kitchen’s! No matter where, there is magic

Muscle Building Secrets, Part II

If you haven’t read Part I in this series, please do so First by clicking HERE. A lil’ Underground History for ya, hence, The MONSTER Sale We’re Holding HERE: – 23 years ago, in June of 1989 I began training

The Secret To Building Muscle

Two important videos to watch today….. Let’s cut through the BS, stop settling for LESS than your TRUE Best, STOP searching for the holy grail of fat loss or muscle building. Most of the time you just gotta buck down

Motivation For Success

Every day I am fired up to succeed and achieve goals. These goals don’t ALWAYS have to be intense and competitive. My friend Jason C. Brown spoke about this at The Underground Strength Conference, JUST enjoy the process….. My goals

QnA: “MAN Strength” – How To Get It & Lessons from Chuck Sipes

Above, Golden Era Bodybuilder & BadAss, Chuck Sipes, Hiking During His Regular 4 Week Mountain Treks While Working For The California Youth Authority. I recently received an e mail regarding something that hits home to me, BIG time. This question

The Truth About Sport Specific Training

When I first began to heavily research the training of athletes, the BIG Buzz words were “functional training” and “sport specific training”. Everyone and their Mom was training on one leg, using a stability ball, insisted on using pieces of

How Many Sets & Reps Build Muscle Fast?

I’ve been getting asked the same question lately, “How many sets should I do when focusing on building muscle?” With my years of experience in training dating all the way back to 1989 and being a successful bodybuilder back in

Is Modern Day Man A Disgrace?

“WHAT IF……” – What if one day you can’t get to the gym? You’re too busy, “life” happened…. Now what? – What if one day you show up and your gym is locked…. maybe out of business, shut down? Would

The BEST Workout

Is it about free weights vs strongman lifting / odd object training? Or is it bodyweight vs kettlebells? Which one is the end all, be all, A # 1, Numero Uno, BEST Workout? Or…. Are they ALL flawed, NONE of

2 Things You MUST Have In Life & Lifting

Here’s our message of the week from Mandler, creator of The Swole System. This is a message I agree with and LIVE by, as should all the men & ladies of Underground Strength Nation…. This workout is what he calls

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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