Old School Strength

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Underground Bodyweight Workout Challenge

I’ve been to a LOT of wrestling clubs and worked with a LOT of wrestling teams. I used to be shocked and even angered seeing how wrestlers were NOT performing ONE good push up: full range of motion, neck and

Underground Playground Assault + Building Bad MFers

It was a Friday morning and I was supposed to train 4 wrestlers inside a wrestling club where I’ve got a small Underground Strength Club going down. The doors were locked. It was time for Plan B. This is what

The BEST Grip Strength Exercises for Bone Crushin’ Hands

I’ve always been a BIG fan of Grip Strength and the countless benefits that come with bone crushing hand strength and jacked up forearms. My Saying Has Always Been This: Weak Hands = A Weak Man Here’s my advice on

Overhead Lifting Mayhem & Shoulder Health

I have a SERIOUS passion for all types of lifting, but, I especially LOVE throwing weights overhead, ALL types of weights. Remember, I’m a SOUL Lifter, rules need NOT apply. Discriminate against NOTHING that makes you stronger. In this Video

The Underground Kettlebell Assault

What can I say, I LOVE Kettlebell training. I’ve loved them since the day I started ripping into them in my bare bones garage when I first started the creation of The Underground Strength Gym. Every Kettlebell workout kicked my

Underground Strength Challenge Strongman Circuit: 5 Rounds of Hell

Here’s a Gut Check Underground Strength Challenge for you….. I called this 5 Rounds of Hell, although hard work is beautiful, this will circuit will test you physically and mentally. Be sure to warm up thoroughly, as always. The 5

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

I woke up earlier than normal today. It was tempting to stay in bed, shut off my alarm and just wait until my kids jumped on my bed to wake me up. The temptation lasted all but a few seconds.

Mental Toughness Training for Football & Wrestling

A question was sent my way and I pulled it out of the “Mail Bag” 🙂 This question was in relation to why a Football team is looking strong and tough in the weight room, BUT, when they play Football

Protected: The Pussification of America

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How to Get Built Like a Brick Sh*t House

Once in a blue moon you come across an athlete or a gym rat who, as some of us may have said in the 80s and 90s, is “Built like a Brick Sh-t House”. In my countless years of getting

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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